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How to lower your water bill at home?

A precious and rare resource, water must be preserved. If you too are aware that this priceless commodity should no longer be wasted, discover these few tips that will help you save it.

How to lower your water bill at home?

Saving water in the bathroom

The bathroom is certainly one of the places in the house where water costs are highest. One of the most common wastes you indulge in is bathing. Certainly, this habit is beneficial for your well-being, because we all know that nothing beats a good relaxing bath after a hard day. However, it is a source of significant water expenditure. You should know that if during a 5-minute shower, you only consume 20 liters of water, for a bath, you will need at least 200 liters of water. Avoiding baths will also allow you to reduce your energy consumption.

To lower your consumption in the bathroom, do not hesitate to invest in the small gadgets offered by the manufacturers. Among them we find the foamer and aerator nozzle which is installed at the outlet of the tap, and which lowers the flow rate by up to 70% without degrading your comfort. Another great system you can invest in is the turbulence system. It is integrated into the shower heads and allows the water drops to be split, with the prospect of water savings of up to 50%.

Reduce water consumption in the kitchen

In the kitchen too, there are little tricks to know to reduce your consumption. Starting with the dishwasher which should be preferred for cleaning your dishes. If we had to compare, diving is not at all economical. In addition, there are manufacturers who now offer machines with very low consumption, some will only need a few liters of water per wash.

How to lower your water bill at home?

Another obvious tip:reducing the pressure in the distribution network avoids rapid wear and tear on your appliances and noise in the pipes. Speaking of which, leaks are also a problem that you need to fix quickly to reduce your water bill. Be aware that a simple dripping tap can cause a loss of up to several tens of liters of water per day.

Don't forget the garden

When it comes to wasting water, the garden is no exception. It's time to learn to adopt the right reflexes. First, instead of using a conventional watering system, use a porous pipe, also called drip irrigation, which regulates the pressure, lowers the volume of water distributed and limits evaporation. Watering should always be done in the evening, because during the day, the strong sunshine causes rapid evaporation of moisture. Also consider mulching your vegetable garden to preserve as much moisture as possible.

Are you lucky enough to have a well in your yard? It's all to your advantage. This alternative resource helps you water your garden for free. Otherwise, do not hesitate to create a rainwater harvesting device to take advantage of another source of ecological water.