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Water Saving:Recover Vegetable Cleaning Water to Water Plants.

Water Saving:Recover Vegetable Cleaning Water to Water Plants.

A simple little trick to save of water when you wash the vegetables, is to collect this water to water the plants of the house .

How to do? It's very simple, you just have to place a basin of water in the sink to collect the cleaning water vegetables.

To go further in water recovery, you can also recover shower water.

And for those who live in an area where it rains a lot, you may be able to invest in a water collector to collect water from the gutters.

Water Saving:Recover Vegetable Cleaning Water to Water Plants.


Collect water vegetable cleaner to water the plants , it's as simple as a smart stingy trick is it allows you to save hundreds of liters of water per year.

Remember that water is not free and that every taste is wasting money is wasting money!

Water your plants all year round with the cleaning water , it's good for savings and lower your water bill .