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How to make a vegetable garden?

How to make a vegetable garden?

Taking care of your vegetables and fruits is a source of unparalleled joy. However, to succeed in a beautiful vegetable garden, nothing should be left to chance.

For example, you will have to choose the land well and identify the plants you want to grow. To be a little more specific, here are the steps to follow:

How to choose plants?

How to make a vegetable garden?

Choosing which vegetables to plant is not as easy as you think. There are so many varieties that one could easily get lost.

To avoid any missteps, it is important to master a few principles of agronomy. First, you have to think about what you like to find on your plates. For example, if you like salads, consider planting lettuces.

You also have to see the vegetables that grow in our latitudes without too many problems. Even if you want to, you cannot grow mangoes or other tropical plants in your garden

Do not forget to inquire about this specific point to avoid unpleasant surprises. Another tip is to choose plants that allow you to have several harvests in the year.

The idea is to have fruits, vegetables, legumes and other plants in your vegetable garden that will please you throughout the year. You will always have fresh products, whatever the season.

How to choose where to put the vegetable garden?

How to make a vegetable garden?

Most vegetables need light to grow. It is essential for photosynthesis, so make sure nothing can block the sun.

Avoid putting the vegetable garden in shady places. For location, opt for fertile soil with good drainage.

To do this, take the time to check the soil in your vegetable garden after a heavy rain. If a puddle forms, this is not the ideal place to put your vegetables. You must choose a flat place where there is no stone or sand.

If the soil at your disposal is of poor quality, put plants that grow in this kind of conditions. Then, if you really have no options, make your own potting soil and put it in pots.

You will thus easily have places favorable to the development of fruits and vegetables such as peppers and tomatoes.

The pots also have the advantage of being compact, and therefore not very demanding in terms of locations. You could place them on the terrace, on the balcony or on your patio.

How to prepare the ground before planting?

How to make a vegetable garden?

As you have no doubt understood, a viable vegetable garden is the fruit of a long work. It is therefore necessary to be well organized and to be as meticulous as possible. For example, it will be necessary to choose the fertilizer carefully.

This will speed up the growth of your plants. Several types of fertilizers and fertilizers are available on the shelves in gardening stores. Between chemical fertilizers and 100% organic fertilizers, you have a wide choice.

You could also make your own compost with dead leaves and other garden debris.

Also consider other factors, such as the wind. Some plants in the vegetable garden really don't like the wind. In this case, you will need to build enclosures or small fences to preserve them. The sun exposure and watering needs of plants are also varied.

You must then prepare the soil according to the preferences of all the plants in your vegetable garden. One last thing, it is imperative to put insect repellents on your crops. It is simply essential to eliminate certain pests.