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Water savings:Collect shower water to water plants.

Water savings:Collect shower water to water plants.

Want to save water?

Good idea ! It's good for the planet, but it also helps reduce your water bill.

When you take a shower or a bath for that matter, you often have to wait a while for the water to is at the desired temperature.

Luckily, I have a simple trick to stop wasting that water.

To lower your water bill, just collect it with a bucket or basin to water your plants.

Water savings:Collect shower water to water plants.

How to

1. When you shower, place a bucket in the tub in the shower or the bathtub, under the tap.

2. Turn on the water and set it to the desired temperature.

3. Let the bucket fill until the water is at the right temperature.

4. Use this water to water the plants instead of turning on the tap.


There you go, you use less water and save money :-)

Every day, you save several liters of water. It is sure, the amount of your invoice will decrease, without effort!

Bonus tip

You can even use this water to flush the toilet for free. At least for the small commission;-)

It can also be used for cleaning or soaking laundry.

Savings achieved

Collecting shower water is a smart little trick to save water at home. It's very simple and it saves water when watering the flowers.

If you want to catch even more water, you can also try positioning the bucket or basin so that it continues to fill when you rinse off in the shower.

In any case, you will recover precious liters of water and thus lower your water bills every day or every 2 days, if like me, you do not wash daily;-)