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10 tips for cleaning a carpet without chemicals

The rug is one of the favorite decorative elements of our cozy interiors. However, it requires scrupulous maintenance and special attention. Cleaning a carpet can be done by a professional, but natural products at home will do the job very well on a daily basis. After using all these products, you will have a clean, disinfected carpet that will not pollute the indoor air.

10 tips for cleaning a carpet without chemicals

Maintain your carpet regularly

The best way to keep a carpet in good condition for as long as possible is to take care of it methodically. For this, basic products and utensils may be enough to refresh it.

The vacuum cleaner

A rug needs to be dusted very often. It is a floor covering that receives all the daily dirt. We step on it, spill crumbs and our animals leave hair on it. To avoid making it a nest for dust mites, vacuum several times a week. You can install a carpet-friendly broom on your vacuum cleaner that will brush it thoroughly. And to refresh your carpet in the blink of an eye, pour a few drops of essential oil of your choice directly on the bag of your vacuum cleaner. The smell of lavender, eucalyptus or tea tree will spread on your carpet and in your room.

Soapy water

The first cleaning product for a carpet is soapy water. You can grate a few grams of your usual Marseille soap and mix them with lukewarm water. Use a clean cloth or sponge and rub lightly. Do not spread too much water on your carpet, the fibers could be damaged. Then you can wipe with a wrung out sponge and gently go over it again. Finally, with a microfiber towel, dry the carpet well by rubbing in all directions.

The steam cleaner

The steam cleaner is the ideal ally for natural carpet cleaning. The only product you need is water. However, sometimes you have to be careful about using it. Check that the colors of your carpet are well fixed, otherwise the steam may dilute them. Don't get the rug too wet and let it dry away without stepping on it. Do not use water that is too hard. Demineralized or just filtered water is preferable. Some very fragile carpets will not support the steam cleaner. In this case, go back to the simpler solution of soapy water.

Cleaning and deodorizing a carpet

A clean carpet can still give off bad smells of tobacco, food or animals. Solutions exist to clean a carpet while deodorizing it.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice is great for removing bad odors from your carpet. Squeeze a lemon and dilute it with a little water before sprinkling it on your carpet with a spray. If your pet has decided to mark their territory, the lemon will eliminate any urine odors left over after cleaning.


Tea has the same function as lemon. Place a few already infused but still damp tea leaves on your mat. Let sit overnight and vacuum the next morning. Any bad food or tobacco odors will have evaporated.

Cleaning stains on a carpet

Carpets are regularly found in living rooms, living rooms, dining rooms or bedrooms. There is therefore a great risk of staining them with all kinds of household or cosmetic products. We give you some tips for cleaning them without chemicals.

Sparkling water and baking soda

The best natural trick to save a dirty carpet is sparkling water and baking soda. To restore its shine, rub with a sponge soaked in sparkling water and let dry for a few moments. Then, sprinkle the entire carpet with baking soda. Once it's dry, give it a good vacuum. Your carpet will be like new!

Potato peelings

If your carpet is badly stained, you can reuse your potato peelings. This grandma's trick is to infuse the potato peelings and use this cooled mixture to clean the carpet. Don't forget to rinse and dry it afterwards.

White vinegar

White vinegar is a natural household staple. Carpets therefore do not escape its use for their maintenance. But it is also a very powerful product that should be used with caution. White vinegar is to be used mainly against greasy stains. Dilute in a bucket of vinegar and water and impregnate a sponge with this mixture. Wring it out and press the carpet square by square, insisting on greasy stains. You can then rinse with a damp cloth and dry with a washcloth. The result is guaranteed, your mat will also be disinfected.

Soda crystals

You will apply the same method as for the white vinegar with the soda crystals. These have been very effective on dirty carpets for a long time. Pour a cup of soda crystals for 1 liter of water.

The land of Sommières

Sommières earth is a natural clay. It is found in many zero waste preparations. Here, you will use it naturally by sprinkling it generously over your entire carpet. One night is necessary for the clay to absorb grease and other dirt. The next morning you can brush your carpet and vacuum thoroughly to remove all traces of powder. If you want to clean an isolated stain, apply this natural stain remover to the area and rub with a clean cloth from the inside out. In the same way, let stand overnight and then vacuum.

One last piece of advice: test your natural product on a small piece of carpet before tackling the rest. Even though all these products are natural, they must be used with caution. Protect your hands and eyes from splashes, your nose and mouth from volatile powders.