Growing plants in water is easy and fun to do.
Green plants or herbs, it's a great DIY project!
Even for those who don't have a green thumb or for children.
With this method, there are no maintenance, watering, disease or pest problems.
Putting branches or stems of certain varieties of plants in water is a great way to take cuttings.
And for decoration, it's super nice to have green plants in jars or glass bottles.
You can put them on a shelf or a window sill.
In general, plants grow slower in water, but they stay green longer.
Here's how to grow beautiful houseplants just in water :
Any container can be suitable:a bottle, a jar, an old cup, a vase...
But avoid materials like copper, brass or lead.
Metals can corrode by reacting with fertilizers and damage plants.
The best is a dark or opaque container to avoid the formation of algae.
Once you have chosen the appropriate container, fill it three quarters full of water.
You can also put florist's foam, or crumbled polystyrene, gravel, glass beads, pebbles, sand, clay balls.
Add a pinch of charcoal powder or a small piece of charcoal to keep the water clear and clean.
Did you know that growing plants in water is called hydroponics?
And the important thing in this type of culture is to know which type of plant lends itself best to this aquatic environment.
So what are the easiest plants to grow in water.
Here is the list I recommend. These plants are most comfortable in water:
- Aglaonemas
- Dieffenbachia
- Common Ivy
- Pilodendron
- Rhoeo
- Pothos or Devil's Vine
- Succulents
- Misery
You can also grow aromatic plants easily in water.
Which ones? Discover the list here.
And There you go ! Now you know how to grow beautiful houseplants just in water :-)
Easy, fast and fun, right?
With this method, you will be able to duplicate your green plants without soil as many times as you want.
Even more need to buy some!
In water, plants form roots within a few weeks.
You can either keep them in water or plant them in the ground afterwards.