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This Homemade Windshield De-Icer Clears Ice in Seconds.

This Homemade Windshield De-Icer Clears Ice in Seconds.

Is your windshield still icy this morning?

Don't worry!

We have what you need to defrost it in seconds!

This homemade de-icer contains only 2 ingredients...

And it makes ice disappear in seconds!

All you need is water and 90% alcohol . Look, it's quite simple:

This Homemade Windshield De-Icer Clears Ice in Seconds.

  • What you need
  • How to
  • Result
  • Bonus tip

What you need

- 90% alcohol

- a spray bottle

- water at room temperature

How to

1. Fill about 1/3 of the spray bottle with water.

2. Fill the rest of the bottle with 90% alcohol .

This Homemade Windshield De-Icer Clears Ice in Seconds.

3. Stir the mixture well.

4. Go to your car covered in ice.

This Homemade Windshield De-Icer Clears Ice in Seconds.

5. Spray the homemade de-icer generously on the windshield.

This Homemade Windshield De-Icer Clears Ice in Seconds.

6. Wait a few seconds. You will see the frost melt instantly before your eyes.

This Homemade Windshield De-Icer Clears Ice in Seconds.

7. Turn on your windshield wipers (that's the case!) so they can finish the job.


This Homemade Windshield De-Icer Clears Ice in Seconds.

Lo and behold, this homemade de-icer made the ice disappear in just a few seconds :-)

Your car's windshield is now completely defrosted!

All you have to do is start the car and go to work.

No need to spend forever scratching it, putting chemicals on it or heating it to remove the frost!

In addition, this mixture is completely natural! So no risk of pollution for groundwater.

Know that you can leave a bottle of this homemade de-icer in the car, because it will never freeze.

Handy after work or in an emergency on the road!

For this trick to work, respect the proportion of 2/3 alcohol at 90° and 1/3 water.

If you don't have 90° alcohol, you can also use household alcohol .

Bonus tip

Is your lock frozen? No worries!

Spray a shot of this mixture on your lock before putting your key.

And presto, the lock will unlock immediately . Watch:

This Homemade Windshield De-Icer Clears Ice in Seconds.