Very dirty glasses lenses are my daily life!
Fingerprints, greasy stains, fogging of the mask... You never see anything!
I have tried everything including the Vu wipes which smear the oil even more than they remove it. Not to mention the price and the ecological impact.
Fortunately, my optician revealed to me his trick for cleaning and disinfecting his glasses and keeping them spotless all day.
The quick and natural trick is to spray 70° alcohol on each glass and wipe with a microfiber cloth . Watch:
- 70° alcohol in a spray bottle
- clean microfiber cloth
1. Spray a little alcohol at 70° on a glass.
2. Clean the double-sided glass with the cloth.
3. Spray the alcohol on the second glass.
4. Clean it with another corner of the cloth.
And There you go ! Your glasses lenses are now impeccable :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
No more greasy marks on glasses that prevent you from seeing well!
Take the opportunity to also clean the frames, a little disinfection will not hurt them.
I put a small bottle of alcohol in my bag so I can wash my glasses whenever I need to.
You don't have 70° alcohol? Household alcohol and white vinegar also work wonders.
This trick works with both prescription glasses and sunglasses.
70° alcohol degreases spectacle lenses in depth naturally and without damaging them.
Fingerprints are erased and no opaque film remains on the glass.
If you want my opinion, this trick works like hell! Your vision will finally be clear and sharp.