Don't have a screwdriver handy?
You have to unscrew a bit special screw and don't have the right shape of screwdriver?
No problem. All you need is an old Bic pen and a lighter to get rid of any small screw.
In 30 seconds, your homemade screwdriver will be ready!
1 . Remove the cap, then the mine, leaving only the plastic tube.
2 . Using a lighter, melt the tip of the pen mine side until it ignites. Blow to stop the flame.
3 . Place the pen directly on the screw.
4. Press and wait for the pen to cool.
5 . You can now remove the pen and you will see that the end of the pen now has the shape of the screw.
There you go, you now have your homemade screwdriver :-)
Easy, fast and very practical!
It's amazing, isn't it?
It's a great tip for troubleshooting when you don't have a screwdriver handy.
In addition, you are sure to have a screwdriver that is perfectly adapted to the screw.
And it's very economical!
As it is only plastic, trying to unscrew the end may break.
In this case, repeat the operation by melting the pen again.
The advantage is that you have quite a length of plastic to overcome a stubborn screw.