A very frosty windshield in the morning:it's guaranteed trouble !
Whether it's to go to work or drop off the children...
...we scratch like crazy without result, we waste time and we get dirty.
Fortunately, there is an absolutely magical and natural trick to remove frost from the windshield in 1 minute flat.
To make this homemade anti-frost, all you have to do is put 70° alcohol in a spray and that's it! Watch:
- 70% alcohol
- spray bottle
- cloth or squeegee
1. Fill your spray bottle with 70° alcohol.
2. Spray the alcohol on your frozen windshield.
3. Don't forget to put some on the windshield wipers.
4. Let this magic product work for just a minute.
5. Turn on the wipers to remove all streaks.
And There you go ! Your windshield is now completely defrosted in less than a minute :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
I would even say magic!
No more mornings when you desperately scrape the windows without success...and wasting a lot of time.
This homemade windshield anti-icer is effective and costs next to nothing.
And above all, it is much less polluting than all these commercial products.
You can also make a mixture of 1/3 water and 2/3 alcohol if the frost is never too aggressive in your area.
Spray this mixture as a preventative on the windshield at night.
This will delay the appearance of frost on the windows at night.
This way, it will be easier to remove in the morning.
Alcohol at 70° melts the ice cream instantly, making the "scraping" phase easier.
And this without damaging the glass or causing it to burst like when you throw boiling water on it.