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The 3 Best Tips to Deodorize Your Whole House Easily.

The 3 Best Tips to Deodorize Your Whole House Easily.

Shoe, kitchen, toilet, trash can, drain smells ... doesn't always smell like roses at home!

But there's no need to spend money on perfume diffusers to deodorize the house.

Indeed, there are effective and inexpensive tips to purify the air in the house.

The 3 Best Tips to Deodorize Your Whole House Easily.

To get rid of bad smells, you can use either baking soda, white vinegar or lemon essential oil.

Here are 3 grandma's recipes to naturally deodorize your home. It's super easy and natural. Watch:

1. Bicarbonate

The 3 Best Tips to Deodorize Your Whole House Easily.

This is the simplest method. Ideal for deodorizing shoes, the kitchen, small rooms and closets. Just fill cups with baking soda and place them in places where there are bad odors. Check out the trick here.

2. White vinegar

The 3 Best Tips to Deodorize Your Whole House Easily.

Take a sponge and cut it into several pieces with a pair of scissors. Soak them in white vinegar, put them in cups and spread them around the house. This is a super effective trick against tobacco odors and to get rid of stale and musty smells in a room. You have made a very effective long-lasting air freshener in less than 1 min.

3. Lemon essential oil

The 3 Best Tips to Deodorize Your Whole House Easily.

Are you looking for an air freshener with essential oils? With this recipe to get rid of bad odors, you need baking soda and lemon essential oil. Not only will you get rid of bad smells, but it will smell like lemon!

To do this, heat 50 cl of water slightly and pour it into a spray. Add 2 teaspoons of baking soda. Stir well to dissolve the baking soda. Add 10 drops of lemon essential oil. Then spray your air freshener in all the rooms of the house such as the kitchen, the toilets, the cupboards...

And there you have it, you have made your natural homemade air freshener spray. Easy, right?

Your turn...

Have you tried these homemade air fresheners? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!