Do you have an ant invasion in the kitchen?
And you don't know how to get rid of it?
It is true that it is painful especially if they are lying around in your food...
No need to buy anti-ant chemicals though!
It's not cheap and moreover, it's dangerous for you and your family...
Fortunately, there is an infallible trap to quickly get rid of ants in the house.
The natural anti-ant trick is to use a mixture of sugar and baking soda . Watch:
- 3 doses of baking soda
- 1 dose of sugar
1. Mix the baking soda and sugar.
2. Spread the mixture around the anthill.
3. Let it work.
And There you go ! Thanks to this trick, you got rid of ants in the house :-)
Easy, fast, and effective, right?
And this thing works just as well in the kitchen as on the terrace!
This product is completely natural. So you have nothing to fear for the health of your animals or your children.
Not to mention the fact that it is much more economical than any commercial insecticide.
Ants are attracted to the sugar that serves as bait to your trap .
Smelling it, they will go to the mixture around the anthill and swallow it.
But since they don't digest the bicarbonate at all , they will poison themselves little by little.
By placing the mixture near their den, you will target the majority of these ants, and not just the ones that come to your home.
You can also place this mixture on their favorite passage in your house.
Ants appeared millions of years ago and are very organized animals .
They play a very important role in gardens by aerating the soil.
They disperse organic matter or seeds, and even protect certain plant species from attacks by parasites.
They are impressive in their strength and willpower, as well as their spirit of mutual aid.
If you don't want to kill them, use this natural repellent that will keep them away from your home.