Make a kite for your children with some paper, c 'is easy !
With a little patience and meticulousness, making it becomes child's play.
It's a small DIY activity to do with the family...
I'm going to show you how I can easily make a kite that flies perfectly in just 30 minutes.
- 4 wooden sticks (for example skewers for a small kite).
- White or colored kraft paper
- Adhesive tape (Scotch type)
- Twine (kitchen twine, for example)
- Markers, sequins, stickers...
- Scissors
1. Tie two chopsticks together side by side using tape. Wrap the tape around it, holding my chopsticks firmly.
2. Repeat the operation with the other two.
3. Cut them slightly so that they are shorter.
4. Then arrange in the shape of a cross.
5. Tie them again firmly in the middle with the help of the tape.
6. Then place the chopsticks on the sheet of paper.
7. Draw a diamond around it to get the shape of the kite. Attention, the diamond must be a little wider than the cross.
8. Decorate or illustrate the diamond with the help of markers, stickers...
9. Then cut it out with the scissors.
10. Reposition the chopsticks on the diamond and fold the ends over, securing them with the tape.
11. Tie a piece of string to the ends of the horizontal (smaller) stick, right and left. This piece of string should be slightly larger than the width of the kite.
12. Tie on this string another long piece of string in the center of the kite. It is she who will lead him. It must be long enough to allow the kite to fly high!
13. Then cut out two long strips of paper that you glue to the bottom of the kite with tape to form the tail.
There you go, your paper kite is ready :-)
Easy right? All that remains is to make it fly.
You see, it's simple to make a homemade kite. As I told you, it's child's play!
And no need to go to Decathlon to buy one.
It is a real pleasure to build it with the children. And it's a free activity they'll love doing.
Plus, it's a great way to keep them occupied on a rainy day, while waiting for the sun to come back.
They are going to be so proud of their homemade kite! It will quickly become their favorite toy.
My 6 year old daughter tested this simple toy on the beach this weekend.
And despite all the loops it has suffered, the kite can be used again next weekend.