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How to turn a canvas cloth into an outdoor rug


How to turn a canvas cloth into an outdoor rug

Anchor your outdoor space with a beautiful, personalized floor cloth. The cost is much less than a store-bought rug, and you can get the exact color and pattern you want.

Step 1

How to turn a canvas cloth into an outdoor rug

Create Stencil

If you want to make our Moroccan-inspired design, you'll need to start with six circles that measure 5" in diameter. Place the circles side by side in pairs, each pair an inch apart. To help line everything up straight, draw three separate lines 2 -1/2" on the horizontal where the pairs meet and four lines on the vertical to mark the one inch space. Trace around the inside of the top and bottom pairs of circles and around the outside of the middle circles.

Step 2

How to turn a canvas cloth into an outdoor rug

Cutting template

Cut out the shape with a craft knife. Save the cut piece of cardstock, it will help you line up the pattern when painting.

Step 3

How to turn a canvas cloth into an outdoor rug

Apply pattern to canvas

Lay out your stencil and then use a foam brush to fill in the shape with paint. Make sure your brush doesn't have too much paint on it. Rub the brush down around the edges, then fill in the center. Start with a straight line of evenly spaced shapes. Continue with another row below and repeat until you have reached the desired size of your rug. Let dry.

Stage 4

How to turn a canvas cloth into an outdoor rug

Fill pattern

Go back through and fill in the gaps with offset rows in the same way. To easily line up the pattern, place the reserved cutout shape where you'd like the template and use a pencil to mark a few guidelines. Repeat until you have filled the entire area and allow the paint to dry completely.

Step 5

How to turn a canvas cloth into an outdoor rug

Cut canvas to size

Lay your finished canvas paint-side down and lay the mat over it. Cut the canvas two inches larger than the edge of the pad.

Step 6

How to turn a canvas cloth into an outdoor rug

Attach canvas to pad

Use spray basting to attach the canvas to the rug. Apply a light coat under the rug pad, and then apply a coat to the long edges of the canvas and fold it over the pad.

Step 7

How to turn a canvas cloth into an outdoor rug

Double border

Apply the spray by spraying to the shorter edges and creasing them, creating nice, neat corners. Add quilting pins or clips if you like, but the spray should hold everything in place while you sew.

Step 8

How to turn a canvas cloth into an outdoor rug

Stitch canvas and pad

Use a heavy duty or denim needle to sew the rug to the pad

Step 9

How to turn a canvas cloth into an outdoor rug

Protect your work

Seal your carpet with Scotch Guard.

Step 10


Place your rug in your favorite outdoor room and enjoy.