We found a large dresser drawer at a thrift store, cleaned and painted the whole thing, then added feet to the bottom. We personalize it for the owner with a few wooden letters, then stuff the drawer with a big, cozy pillow.
Remove the drawer handle (you won't have to put it back). Place four blocks of wood on the inside corners of the drawer and secure them with wood glue. Place something heavy, like rocks, on top to hold the wood in place while the glue dries. The blocks are needed so the curled legs have something to bite on as the bottom of the drawer may be too thin and the legs will wobble or poke through the bottom.
Paint the entire drawer and the wooden feet, let dry completely and paint the second coat if necessary.
On the bottom of the drawer, mark the placement of the feet. Be sure to mark the exact same location on all four corners, about 1 inch from the edge. Pre-drill holes for each of the legs. The holes should be much smaller than the screw feet, so the screw will hold the wood and help keep it stable.
Screw the feet by twisting them into the holes. Add wood glue to the top of each foot to make it more secure.
Sand the back of the letters to roughen them up slightly (this allows the glue to adhere better). Apply glue to the back of the letters and place it on the front of the drawer. Make sure the holes in the lid cover.
Susan Teare, Susan Teare
Insert a pillow in the drawer. We wrapped a pillow with a sheet that can be easily removed and washed.