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5 natural tips and tricks to drive away moles from the garden

5 natural tips and tricks to drive away moles from the garden

There is nothing worse than waking up in the morning and discovering your garden that you pampered the day before, completely ransacked by the galleries dug by moles and the resulting mounds of earth.

So that your green space is no longer a victim of these small mammals, discover a few tips that will help you hunt them for good.

The mole:a mammal fond of insects

Classified in the category of mammals, the mole is distinguished by its powerful claws as well as its absent ears. Its weight is around one hundred grams on average and its size varies between 10 and 15 cm. The mole feeds mainly on insects including larvae, centipedes, slugs or earthworms. To find new prey, it digs galleries everywhere underground.

As a garden is a source of food for these little creatures, they are therefore tempted to dig their tunnels in these areas, to the great displeasure of gardeners who see their work completely destroyed after the passage of small mammals. The biggest problem lies in the damage done by them to the crops. They can completely decimate seedlings by turning over the soil and cutting off the roots of the plants.

What to do to get rid of all the moles

5 natural tips and tricks to drive away moles from the garden

To scare moles away, gardeners have gradually developed more or less effective techniques. Their advantage? They are natural and therefore have no impact on humans, animals or the environment. The first tip, the simplest, is to install repellent plants such as spurge or mole grass, garlic, daffodil, hyacinth, castor bean, onion or fritillaries

There is an urban legend that says using dog hair or human hair laid at the entrance to molehills can scare them away. In addition, if you do not want to use ultrasonic terminals which can be quite aggressive for animals, choose to install rods on which there are cans or plastic bottles. The noise emitted by these will scare moles away, especially in the evening. The castor bean sprinkled in the garden is a repellent which has the advantage of fertilizing your soil at the same time, but it can also poison other animals...

Inadvisable gestures in the fight against moles

Even if you really want to get rid of moles invading your garden, there are certain actions that you absolutely must avoid. This is the case, for example, with the use of mothballs. This product is particularly popular in the fight against moles and yet this pesticide is very harmful and carcinogenic. In addition, it is not biodegradable.

You should not believe everything that is said about moles, including the fact that she has hemophilia. Laying down rose branches, razor blades or crushed glass to kill them is not a good idea at all, because these animals are not hemophiliacs, unlike the field mouse which is. .