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3 Natural Tips to Keep Wasps Away.

3 Natural Tips to Keep Wasps Away.

When summer comes, they invade us and we could do without them.

If we love to eat outside, with the sun and the blue sky, the wasps invite themselves to our table.

And they can easily sting us, if they get a little pissed off.

Fortunately, there are 3 natural tricks to keep them away , without hurting them :

3 Natural Tips to Keep Wasps Away.

1. Cloves

Just like they do to mosquitoes, cloves also repel wasps and bees.

Either you put the cloves directly in a cup, on the table, or you plant them in an orange or a lemon.

Click here to discover the trick.

2. Coffee

The trick is to burn ground coffee not used (therefore, especially not marc). The smoke from burning coffee is very unpleasant for wasps. But not for you!

To be renewed as soon as the smell has disappeared.

3. Essential oils

Essential oils also repel wasps . Finally, especially those of lavender, lavandin or lemongrass. Use them with a diffuser or in a spray as a wasp repellent.

In addition, this trick also repels mosquitoes.

If you want to buy lemongrass essential oil, we recommend this one.

And if you prefer lavender, this one.

There you go, you have repelled the wasps naturally :-)

Your turn...

You've Tried These Grandma's Tricks to Get Away Wasps ? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!