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Why go through an approved professional to install your charging station?

Why go through an approved professional to install your charging station?

If you own an electric vehicle or are planning to acquire one, you should certainly know that the charging station is essential to optimize the charging time at home. To benefit from it, however, you must call on an approved professional, which will generate additional costs in addition to the purchase of the terminal itself. This intervention is nevertheless necessary since only the approved installer knows the applicable standards in terms of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles.

Recourse to a certified professional is mandatory

Since 2017, any electric vehicle charging device with a power greater than or equal to 3.7 kW must be installed by a qualified electrician IRVE (Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles). This mention means that the professional has received the necessary training and that he has mastered the application of the NF C 15-100 standard to electric vehicle charging devices. Thus, the individual cannot install his charging station himself, because the installation risks not being compliant. In the event of a problem, he is likely to incur liability and he cannot rely on his home insurance to provide compensation. Similarly, the car manufacturer's warranty will be canceled if a terminal is used whose installation does not comply with the standards.

The certified installer has all the required qualifications

Calling on an approved installer also means benefiting from quality service insofar as this professional has all the qualifications necessary to carry out the work. Indeed, the IRVE mention is obtained following training dedicated to the charging of electric vehicles, a subject that is not covered in standard electrician training. If you plan to install your charging station yourself, it's time to change your mind and call in a professional. Note that the intervention of a licensed electrician is part of the eligibility conditions for financial aid for the installation of a charging station.

The professional gives you advice

Each model of electric vehicle is different, which means that everyone must benefit from a really suitable charging point. Several characteristics are taken into account to define the charging station and the installation suitable for an electric car. We speak in particular of the maximum load power supported, the type of current and the value of the earth tolerated. Apart from his role as installer, the professional is also able to give you advice on choosing the best charging solution. This way, you will be sure to optimize the charging of your vehicle. And if your electrical installation is not suitable for receiving a charging station, the licensed electrician will be able to help you bring it up to standard. This is often the case when the project concerns an old dwelling.

A professional will save you money

If you use an approved installation, you have the possibility of taking advantage of better installation rates. To begin with, it will allow you to access subsidies for the installation of charging stations thanks to its simple intervention. Depending on the case, it may be the Advenir bonus or the tax credit. Installation costs also benefit from a reduced VAT rate of 5.5% compared to 20% in normal times. On the other hand, the installer brings together a large volume of charging stations, which allows him to negotiate prices directly with his supplier so that you can benefit from them later. Moreover, thanks to his experience, the professional is able to find the best solution to reduce the cost of installation. Sometimes, it only takes a trifle to halve the estimate.

The intervention of an approved electrician is a guarantee of reliability

The installation of electric car charging points is a recent and extremely technical concept. Therefore, it is not accessible to everyone. An inexperienced electrician or the choice of the wrong equipment will result in an inoperative charging station. It is even likely to become dangerous for your electrical installation. Fortunately, you are able to call on a professional who will accompany you throughout your project. He stands by your side from the determination of your needs to the recovery of your premiums. Indeed, the installer also takes care of the steps to recover the subsidies.