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5 reasons why your cat is suddenly biting

Do you have a sweet cuddly cat, he suddenly starts to bite you! There are 5 reasons why your cat is suddenly biting. These reasons range from fear to the petting and biting syndrome.

Cats, stubborn pets

Although some four-legged friends suggest otherwise, cats are generally not real cuddly animals. In any case, very different from dogs. Add to that the fact that cats are very headstrong and stubborn. If a cat doesn't feel like doing something, he or she will really show it. And that can result in a scratch or even a bite. Something that can be quite painful, by the way.

Reading tip :10 Things Cats Hate

5 Reasons why your cat suddenly bites

Are you curious about the most common reasons why your cat suddenly bites? Below you will find five causes.

1. Your cat is scared or has too much stress

The most common cause of a biting cat is fear or stress. Cats naturally bite to defend themselves. If a cat is really anxious or sees no other way to express itself, it can bite. There is nothing wrong with this in itself, but it is quite painful for you. Cats have razor-sharp teeth.

2. Your cat is in pain

Do you notice that your cat is more aggressive towards you? Then it is advisable to visit the vet. He or she can then investigate the underlying cause. It could very well be that your cat is in pain somewhere or has an illness among its members. If you pet your cat where the pain is, chances are your cat will literally bite off. Other signs that your cat is in pain include grunting, growling, or plaintive meowing. Do not wait too long with a visit to the vet, because it is not nice for the cat to have to walk around in pain for an unnecessarily long time.

3. Your cat wants attention

Have you ever been bitten in your foot or side? Then this could just be a sign that your cat wants your attention. Like (small) children, cats love attention and do not like to be bored. If this is the case, they will try to get your attention by biting (slightly). Negative attention is also a form of attention.

Have you noticed your cat is biting? Then give your cat or tomcat attention. It can also be a sign that your cat wants food or just needs a cuddle.

4. You tickled your cat

Okay, your cat can't literally be tickled, but just like you and me, your cat has sensitive spots. If you touch it while cuddling or playing, your cat may lash out and even bite. In most cases, this happens unconsciously and your cat accidentally lashes out. Especially because this is very natural behavior when your cat is playing with another cat.

5. Petting and biting syndrome

There is also a whole syndrome known in English as the petting-and-biting syndrome. The underlying idea that your cat changes from stuffed animal to a vicious beast that lashes out and bites is this:there is a misunderstanding in the communication between humans and animals. Sometimes your four-legged friend seeks approach and attention, but doesn't really want to be petted or cuddled at all. However, you think that is why your cat is looking for attention with all the consequences that entails.

Is your cat looking for attention? Then carefully see if he or she is ready for a cuddle or to be petted. Gently petting and waiting for the response is the best way to see if your cat is up for it.

Have you ever been bitten by your cat?