How to make a wool sweater not itchy?
You have noticed ? Our warmest sweaters are often the most itchy.
So what to do? Are we catching cold or scratching all day?
I may have a solution if you have a freezer...
There is a surprising but effective grandmother's trick to stop sweaters from scratching.
The trick that works is to put the sweater in the freezer. Why ? It's weird, isn't it? But effective! Here is the answer. Watch:
1. Put your sweater in a bag.
2. Put the bag in the freezer.
3. Leave it overnight.
4. Take the bag out of the freezer.
5. Let the sweater thaw.
6. Let it dry.
There you go, your woolen sweater is no longer itchy :-)
The sweater doesn't itch anymore:It's magic, isn't it?
You will finally be able to put on your sweater without a thick undershirt and without scratching all day.
It's still more pleasant that way!
And if you need to wash your wool sweater without damaging it, use this trick.
Do you know that if some woolen sweaters scratch, it's because the scales of the wool fibers are too rigid.
If the wool fiber size of the wool fibers is greater than 28 micrometers, it itches and stings!
To give you an idea, it's four times the diameter of a hair!
And yet, it is these tiny fibers that make life impossible for us in winter...
To have very soft wool, without itching, the fibers must be less than 16.5 micrometers.
So there, we have very soft wool and a super comfortable and warm sweater.
If you like knitting, you're right!
It has huge health benefits.
Do you have itchy balls of yarn?
In this case, use this trick to have very soft wool.