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The installation of an individual micro-purification station

Today, owners who do not have a connection to mains drainage can choose to equip their property with an individual micro-purification station, because connection to a sewerage system is compulsory, it is collective or individual. But what is it?

A very popular system for individuals

Previously, I knew nothing about micro-station. And when I acquired my house, deep in the countryside, the rehabilitation work led me to look into my wastewater disposal system. And the company that takes care of the maintenance of the tanks (septic or all water) strongly advised me on individual sanitation. Yes, I had to invest in this system to be in the "nails" and especially also for obvious questions of hygiene.

I took the opportunity to find out if my usual service provider also took care of the maintenance of the micro-stations. I knew this company well and found their technicians to be particularly conscientious and professional. Since they intervene for the maintenance and I regularly put the Eparcyl biological activator, I do not experience any clogging or bad smells. A feat ! I use, in addition, sanitary products and detergents such as toilet gel or the bio-active unblocker, of the same brand so that there are no worries of incompatibility.

In any case, the installation of this system is very regulated by law. In my case, for example, obtaining ministerial accreditation was essential before being able to start the work. Do not also forget to inform the Public Non-Collective Sanitation Service or SPANC. In addition, respect for the environment requires that the equipment must meet many conditions. Thus, only models labeled with the CE standard are accepted.

Advantages and disadvantages

However, as the development of this equipment is still a heavy investment, I advise you to carefully weigh the pros and cons before deciding, especially if it is to replace an existing system. Whether it is a newly constructed building or an old rehabilitated building, this is one of the most common options when there is no possibility of connection to collective sanitation.

One of the main reasons that convinced me to opt for this equipment is its odorless side. Indeed, unlike some conventional pits, a micro-treatment plant often emits fewer foul odors than some pits. And since the wastewater treatment and sanitation process is done naturally, I don't need any products other than the biological activator that I pour into my toilets every week. It is therefore much more respectful of the environment than a pit.

Moreover, the treated water from the equipment can be discharged directly into nature. Finally, as a micro-station is less voluminous compared to a pit, the assembly does not require much space and is ideal for small spaces and therefore also for minimal earthwork.

As for the disadvantages, because there are all the same some of them, it is above all the more regular maintenance that a micro-station requires, and also the cost of electricity to make it work, whereas a septic tank operates without electricity. Now the decision is yours!