Is your cutlery dull and full of traces of limestone?
I show you here how to find impeccable cutlery without making the slightest effort.
Or use any harmful chemicals.
I'm sure you want to know how.
What if I told you that a simple ball of aluminum foil would do the trick?
This is a technique that was recommended to me by a restaurateur friend.
Since I use it, I have nickel-chrome cutlery!
My cutlery is shiny and with no stuck-on food residue.
The trick is to put a ball of aluminum foil in the dishwasher . Watch:
1. Grab your roll of aluminum foil.
2. Cut a piece about 40 cm long.
3. Crumple it into a big ball the size of a golf ball.
4. Put the aluminum ball in the dishwasher.
5. Start the usual washing cycle.
6. Once the cycle is finished, take out and dry the cutlery with a clean tea towel.
And There you go ! Thanks to this aluminum ball, your cutlery comes out of the dishwasher spotless :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
And all this without rubbing just one second!
Best of all, there's no need for chemicals.
Just your usual powder.
For my part, I use my homemade dishwasher tablets and it works like hell.
I absolutely avoid liquid detergents that contain chlorine:not very good for the planet.
Did you know that you can also put an aluminum ball in the dryer to avoid static electricity?
Finally, smooth aluminum foil has lots of interesting uses, right?
The aluminum will react with the lye.
All the more so if it contains baking soda.
This reaction will make darkened or dull metal objects shine .
This is also how blackened silverware is cleaned.
And the good news is that in addition to making your cutlery shine, the aluminum ball captures rust particles.
This will prevent rust from depositing on the dishes, cutlery or metal parts of your machine.
Are you going to ask me if there is an ideal place to put the aluminum ball in the dishwasher?
Well yes ! I recommend putting it in the basket or cutlery tray.
If this is not possible, put it as close as possible to the compartment under cover.
When you crumple the foil, just fold the paper roughly.
Don't over tighten the ball , it must remain loose enough to be able to act and make your cutlery shiny.