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10 ideas for screens to install in your garden

10 ideas for screens to install in your garden

Do you want to enjoy real privacy in your garden? Consider installing a privacy screen. Whether natural, wood or PVC, it effectively protects you from the gaze of others, for maximum tranquility and aesthetic charm in your yard.

The wooden fence

In the garden, on the balcony or on the terrace, the wooden privacy screen offers a natural charm to your exterior. The claustra is particularly appreciated and comes in the form of intersecting or intersecting wooden slats, arched or straight. The decorative touch depends on your desires and inspirations, but the ideal will be to add decorative panels playing on the shapes. The trellis can even replace a fence depending on the type of wood chosen, which will determine its longevity.

Wooden woven panel

In the form of hazel branches or pine blades, the woven panel is placed vertically. It is perfect for do-it-yourselfers who want to create their own privacy screen because it is easy to assemble and light. The braided panel protects from prying eyes and allows you to delimit spaces. However, it is not recommended in very windy regions because of its lightness.

The natural privacy screen with beech-purple

Shrubs with marcescent foliage have the advantage of keeping their leaves during the winter. These are renewed in the spring and those that are dead or withered only fall off at this time. These plants can perfectly serve as a natural screen, especially the purple beech, which is characterized by its generous and dense foliage. In winter, russet leaves appear while in spring, purple tones arise. Another advantage:the purple beech does not need a lot of maintenance.

A natural screen with bamboo

In the range of natural screens, those made of bamboo are certainly the most popular. Grown in the ground or in pots, bamboo is distinguished by its rapid growth. It offers you maximum privacy but be careful because if its growth is not controlled, it can hinder the aesthetics of your garden. In summer, be sure to water it well so that it can preserve its density. In addition, it is advisable to opt for a clumping or non-tracing bamboo which develops more evenly.

Natural screen with laurels

Laurels are also very popular in the creation of a natural screen. You still have to know how to choose the right species. The Portuguese laurel remains the most common. It can reach up to 6 meters in height, which is why you have to pay attention to its maintenance and size. Otherwise, bet on the laurel sauce which, in addition to being appreciated in the kitchen, is easy to maintain and can grow on any type of soil.

Large pots for more discretion

One idea for creating a natural privacy screen is to install large pots around the area to be marked out. These can be behind a fence or be placed as they are in your garden. Particularly aesthetic, this accumulation of pots protects you and also brings a magnificent spectacle when the flowers appear.

Climbing flowers:a safe bet

10 ideas for screens to install in your garden

In terms of natural privacy, climbing flowers are also at the head of the pack. There are many varieties making the choice varied, starting with the star jasmine which is decorative, persistent, fragrant and fast growing. We especially love it on balconies or terraces. Otherwise you can also opt for an evergreen honeysuckle which comes in many varieties to satisfy all desires. This plant blooms in summer and is fragrant.

PVC woven mesh screen

Made of woven PVC fabric, the woven mesh privacy screen is usually available in black, gray or blue. Depending on the density and quantity of fabric used, it can be particularly blackout and guarantees you protection against prying eyes.

PVC canisses

Boasting great resistance, PVC canisses are the best allies for enjoying more peace of mind in your garden. They are made up of assembled nylon thread slats. They have the advantage of being able to reproduce natural materials such as reeds, bamboo or even wood. In general, PVC canisses are available in single or double face.

Choose brande

Particularly rich and varied, the range of natural privacy screens also consists of brande which is made of heather stems assembled together using woven iron wires. The quality of the occultation is mainly based on the thickness of the material. Its advantage is that it offers an important longevity.

No need to invest in a hard palisade to protect yourself from prying eyes in the garden. The privacy screen is available in an infinite number of models and materials and offers you a blackout effect according to your needs and desires.