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Five natural repellents to keep insects away

Five natural repellents to keep insects away

Whether at home, in the office and even on vacation, no matter where you are, the little critters are always present. They are often very abundant in summer, so much so that it is sometimes difficult to get rid of them permanently. For positive, fast and effective results, stop using insecticides and opt for natural repellents instead. Be aware that some industrial products are dangerous for humans, especially for children. As natural alternatives, here are five effective substances to repel insects in a more ecological way.

Baking soda

Five natural repellents to keep insects away

Baking soda is a multi-purpose magic powder. Cheap and very effective, it is also a powerful insecticide that repels all kinds of insects. It is particularly recommended for permanently eliminating dust mites from your linens.
Sprinkle about 8 teaspoons for a double bed. Use a special brush to evenly distribute the product, then let it act for 4 to 8 hours. Next, vacuum the surface of the bed. You can also use a spray bottle by diluting a tablespoon of baking soda in a liter of water. Repeat the same procedure.
To eradicate insects hiding in your home, simply mix a teaspoon of baking soda with 4 tablespoons of olive oil. Then fill a spray bottle with half a liter of water and add the preparation. Shake the bottle before each use and mist the spaces several times a day.

Eucalyptus essential oil

Five natural repellents to keep insects away

Eucalyptus essential oil is a perfect natural repellent. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. This product is known to preserve mosquito bites. It is for this reason that this essential oil is always found in the suitcase of travelers. Once mixed with your usual moisturizer, it takes effect immediately and the insects move away immediately.
Get a bottle with spray, ¼ cup of water and a bottle of eucalyptus essential oil. Then mix 20 drops of oil in the water and pour the preparation into the spray bottle. When night falls, spray the uncovered areas of your skin and rub in so that the solution is well absorbed. You can add lavender or rosemary essential oil to double its effectiveness.

Apple vinegar

Five natural repellents to keep insects away

Exactly like the properties of peppermint essential oil, apple vinegar wards off small critters with its rather strong smell. It does not exterminate them, but is devilishly effective in repelling them and thus preventing them from entering the kitchen or bedrooms.
This time you will need ½ cup of apple vinegar, ½ cup of water and a bottle with spray. Mix these ingredients together until they become homogeneous. And pour everything into the bottle. Spray this natural repellent on the front door as well as in places and nooks where small animals can hide.

Cayenne pepper

Five natural repellents to keep insects away

Usually used in cooking, cayenne pepper has a very strong and obviously spicy taste. This aroma enhances the flavor of various dishes and also has therapeutic qualities. But really all-purpose, this spice can also be used as an insecticide. Be sure to cover your hands with gloves before using it, though. When you douse it, keep the spray away from your eyes, nose and mouth.
You have the choice of using fresh or powdered chili. Then what you have to do is incorporate a few spoonfuls in 250 ml of water. Add several drops of liquid soap. Use this mixture to water the corners of your home. You can also use this mixture on your plants. To increase its effectiveness, add a few cloves of garlic.

The bay leaves

Five natural repellents to keep insects away

Laurel is a well-known insect repellent plant. In general, it scares away cockroaches as well as annoying flies that fly around the kitchen. To do this, know that it can be used in several forms:in infusion or crushed. The most common use is the spray version. With this method, you can spray the insects directly.
What you need:20 drops of bay leaf essential oil, 62 ml of water and a spray bottle. Mix everything together and pour into the bottle. Then spray the product all over the house, preferably overnight. You will see the result the next day.