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Five ways to keep your house clean

Cleaning is not that difficult, but keeping it clean is an art. How quickly your neat house will turn into a dust nest again, especially if you have children or pets. The floor, countertops and toilet in particular quickly become dirty again. When you have unexpected visitors, you naturally want your house to look neat. With these five ways you can easily keep your house clean between major cleanings!

1. Everything with the steam cleaner
If you want to quickly clean everything, it's handy if you can do it with one device. With a steam cleaner you are ready in one go. No hassle with replacing cloths and polishing everything. The steam cleaner works 100% hygienically, because bacteria are killed immediately. You can even clean the toilet first, then the sink and then the hob:everything is neatly clean without bacteria. Even the floor is easily cleaned with this device. Buying a steam cleaner is exactly what you need to get your household clean in no time.

2. Less stuff
The more stuff you have, the harder it is to keep everything clean. Conversely, this means that it is beneficial if you take care of less stuff in the house. Store things away in cupboards and ensure a sleek, minimalist look. In the minimalist style, you can finish cleaning much faster. An additional advantage:everything automatically looks a lot cleaner and neater to the eye!

3. Descaling
One of the biggest annoyances in the household is limescale. Almost everything that comes into contact with water gets a lime layer. Especially in the bathroom, this quickly makes everything look dull and dirty. Moreover, bacteria and fungi can easily grow in a lime layer. So clean well! There are special remedies for limescale, but you can also just use cleaning vinegar. Much cheaper and it works just as well. It is also less bad for your airways, although vinegar does smell a lot.

4. petty thief
In addition to the steam cleaner and cleaning vinegar, a petty thief is your new best friend! This is ideal for vacuuming crumbs, for example if your child has been eating a sandwich. Or if you've been a bit sloppy with a cookie yourself. In short:the handheld vacuum cleaner is ideal for all those small things for which you don't really want to reach for the large vacuum cleaner.

5. Give everything its own place
A tidy house is a lot cleaner than a messy house. This fact can be combined with the fact that a house where things have a permanent place is much neater than a house where they are stored everywhere and nowhere. So:come up with a permanent place for every thing you come across. Books in the bookcase (duhuh), toys in a box or cupboard, food in a kitchen cupboard, spare toilet rolls in the hall cupboard… The more things have a permanent place, the neater and cleaner your house will remain.

Tidying up and cleaning always go hand in hand. You can't just start cleaning if there are things everywhere. So always try to make sure your house is tidy, so that you can finish cleaning faster. With the right tools and these 5 tips, you can keep your house clean as quickly and easily as possible. And that gives a satisfied feeling!