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Protect your garden pond to preserve its beauty

Protect your garden pond to preserve its beauty

The layout of the garden is important to feel good in this natural space. The garden pond brings charm and a very pleasant Zen side. To be able to appreciate this marvelous spectacle every day, it is essential to be able to protect it effectively. Specific equipment should therefore be chosen with care.

Protect while away

To prevent the basin from getting dirty during a stay on vacation, it will be best to take precautions. Installing a pond cover allows fish and plants to survive. Choosing the right equipment allows you to cover your pool for every need and be sure to find it in perfect condition.

Pollution and dirt will not be able to settle in the water so that it always remains pure; In the absence of the owner of the garden, this cover will be very reassuring. Being well equipped is the best way to find your preserved garden and to be able to fully appreciate it when you return from your vacation.

Protect your garden pond to preserve its beauty

Protect against elements

If the sun is good for the plants and the owner of the garden, the heat can on the other hand be too much. To be able to protect your fish and pond plants, a quality PVC or geotextile tarpaulin will be ideal. To be placed on the pool during the hottest hours of the day, this equipment allows it to retain its beauty for as long as possible.

Wind, rain or snow can also have consequences on its pond. Equipping yourself with a tarp of the right size and resistance will be perfect. When choosing your model, you will therefore have to check its capabilities. UV and frost resistance will be preferred properties.

Protect your garden pond to preserve its beauty

Easily maintain your pond

Owning a pond requires ensuring that weeds do not proliferate in the bottom or on the surface. A geotextile cover is the ideal choice since its structure has been designed to avoid this phenomenon. Once placed in the right place, the pond will remain perfectly free of all these natural parasites.

The geotextile is a very interesting invention for a person who wishes to arrange his garden. This very resistant material will be able to serve for many years. Rot-proof, it is perfectly suited for pools of all sizes. It will be enough to order the right measurements to be able to install it easily.