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The Simple Trick To Save Soil In Your Flower Pots.

The Simple Trick To Save Soil In Your Flower Pots.

Plant soil is not cheap!

Especially if you like to have a beautiful flower garden.

And it's even worse with a large flower pot, because you need a lot of potting soil to fill it.

Fortunately, there is a trick to save potting soil in flower pots.

The trick is to bury plastic canisters in the bottom of the pots:

The Simple Trick To Save Soil In Your Flower Pots.

  • How to
  • Result

How to

1. Take empty plastic canisters.

2. Close the bottle caps.

3. Place them in the bottom of your flowerpot.

4. Cover the containers with potting soil.


There you go, you've saved a lot of potting soil in the flowerpot :-)

If you don't have a canister, you can of course use plastic bottles.

If you don't have potting soil for your plants, you can find some here.