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Late winter mulching

Question from a user:What to do with the end of winter mulch, this ground cover , based on leaves, straw and other organic elements that we put on the ground in autumn, in the beds, at the foot of perennial plants or in the vegetable patch?

Two possibilities:

You find it very ugly and you need the space for your plantations; a light rake and your mulch will find the composter.

You rightly think that protection is still relevant, and you leave in place this cover that the dwellers of the soil are so fond of, to avoid cold snaps and cravings . The organic cover is also a pantry for all that life contained in the first cm of depth.

If you want to plant, discard the mulch, reserve it (as they say in the kitchen) set up the little news and put the mulch back at the foot of the plants.

All in all, gardening is not very difficult…

Late winter mulching

mulching with RCW