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Fall or winter treatments

Question from a blogger:what are fall or winter treatments and what product to use?
Fall or winter treatments should not be systematic. They follow a reasoning:is there a declared or inevitable "disease" (case of sensitive varieties), is a preventive or curative treatment necessary, is a chemical treatment necessary or is there an alternative?
If your garden has apricot trees, peach trees, nectarines... A little bit of Bordeaux mixture (be careful with the doses!) as soon as the leaves fall will be welcome.
For all fruit and deciduous trees , a treatment based on paraffin oil, called winter treatment, will clean the wood of the parasites that are there.
The arboreal white on the trunk has the same effect, and it's pretty . Please note that no treatment will be carried out during freezing weather.

But if your trees are healthy and the last season was without real phytosanitary problems, leave the products with the merchant.

Fall or winter treatments

trunk painted in arboreal white