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Gardening in winter, is it possible?

Winter is not necessarily the season we think of when we talk about gardening. It's cold, sometimes it rains, the humidity is raging and the sun is often absent:result, our garden lazy (and us too). But if it is not easy to garden in winter, it is not impossible.

Grow vegetables and flowers

To obtain a good winter harvest, varieties adapted to the cold are chosen. In winter, it is possible to grow several types of vegetables. Radishes can be installed at the foot of slightly larger plants and harvested approximately every 3 weeks. The Jerusalem artichoke can also be planted in winter without any problem. It also gives pretty bright yellow flowers in late summer. There are also peas, ginseng, cauliflower, tomato and many more! Winter is still the quietest time for outdoor flowers. However, some can brighten up our garden even when the temperatures are lowest. This is the case, for example, of pansies, primroses or even heather. They will beautifully adorn our garden or window sills. In addition, it is also possible to plant fruit trees (if it is not freezing).

Preparing your garden for sunny days

Even if you can garden in winter, the top of the top remains the mating season. During the cold period, we therefore have the possibility of preparing for spring by drawing up a list of plantings or plant movements that we are considering. You can install an underground or drip irrigation system. Indeed, it is during the winter when the vegetation is resting, that the risk of injuring our plants is lower. It is therefore wiser to embark on this type of operation in winter rather than in June. Trees can also be pruned, new paths laid (or rehabilitated) and weeded.

Nothing is impossible then! Come on, let's get out our shears and rakes!