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The winter veil

In the veil of wintering there is winter. The veil is therefore used to protect plants from the heat of winter, from the bites of negative temperatures. Except that, with this winter which is not one, in view of the temperatures worthy of March or even April, the winter veil does not do much. This is where the danger comes; believing that winter is over and that anyway the plants are well protected just in case.

A winter veil is like a blanket , it insulates from the cold by the air that is contained between the fibers. But with the rain, and the wind in certain regions, the layers of veil (because the plants are in principle swaddled in several layers) stick together, the fiber becomes waterlogged and the veil no longer has any protective action.

On the other hand, a permanently soaked blanket can promote fungal diseases , such as mold, rot and others.

The advice is to dry the sails by removing them from the plant, and putting them back in place when dry. Cold and humidity have never gone well together.

This work, which may seem tedious, will allow the plant to regain its protective insulation . Because no doubt, the cold will eventually arrive. And the sooner the better. Late frosts are the most destructive.

The winter veil