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Various Uses of Flowers

Unanimously, flowers serve to embellish and perfume a space. But they also have other, sometimes unrecognized, uses. Be that as it may, they are not only decorative, even if that is the role we attribute to them the most.

Flowers as gifts and decoration

The flowers are pretty, the flowers smell good. This is a statement that cannot be denied. But still, offering flowers can be a gesture of sympathy, comfort, recognition, forgiveness, love and friendship. Whatever the reason, giving flowers thanks to Florajet is always a pleasure for the one who receives it, and even the one who offers it. They could serve as a neutral and all-purpose gift, however, this is not done randomly and simply.

Indeed, the choice of flowers to offer depends on the occasion and the recipient. It is then necessary to know that each flower and each color can evoke a particular symbolism. Sometimes it's just beauty, sometimes the gesture has a much deeper meaning, it's according to each person's interpretation. Bouquets of flowers are also outstanding decorative elements. They have always been present at major events, and still today, on every special occasion or not.

Thus, it is always a pleasure for housewives to decorate her rooms with bouquets composed by her in a vase. Depending on the location and the space, these can be replaced by a filiform vase simply accommodating a stem. In addition to decorating private homes or reception rooms during events, flowers are also found in offices. Purely decorative elements, they bring a touch of elegance and well-being.

Flowers for well-being

Flowers are also used in other areas not necessarily related to decoration. Indeed, we find flowers in gastronomy. Thus, in the preparation of food and drink, it is possible to make use of the virtues, in particular medicinal flowers.

For example, they can be used in infusion in tea, or in maceration, for exotic arranged rums. For dishes, roses, violets, lavender and nasturtium are the most used. To enhance sauces or to give more flavor to dishes, their taste is sometimes pleasantly surprising. However, before embarking on this experiment, you should know that only certain flowers are edible.

Also, be careful with those that are previously treated, which can become toxic. Flowers are also found in perfumery. We do not pay special attention, but these products are frequently used, such as rose water or lavender soap. Finally, for the paroxysm of well-being, flowers perfume massage sessions or baths, SPAs. They are also used in thalassotherapy.