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The concept of the square garden sweeps over France

If you were looking for a way to get into gardening without having a garden or gardening techniques, it seems that a solution has recently been offered to you! We are of course talking about square gardens, a concept that came straight from the United States thanks to Mel Bartholomew, its inventor.

Gardening in squares for easy gardening

If more and more people are turning to this kind of solution, it is partly to simplify their lives by having only one square of land to maintain and pamper in order to grow their own vegetables and fruits!

Garden squared for economical gardening

Others prefer square vegetable gardens for the little soil and water they require. Indeed, a square garden needs five times less water than a traditional garden. Compared to the cultivated area, it is estimated that the harvest is five times greater!

The square garden to be able to garden everywhere

We must still mention the first reason that motivates the French to buy a square vegetable garden, it is obviously to be able to have a small piece of garden! This is mainly the case in urban areas where we find these small vegetable gardens on roof terraces and balconies...

The square vegetable garden, ideal for learning the basics of gardening

Many applications are possible with square vegetable gardens, we see schools ordering them to allow the little ones to learn the cultivation cycles of different fruits and vegetables.

Square gardens on television

The square gardens invite themselves to television, if you want to know a little more about this innovative concept, watch the program "Télématin" on Saturday April 7, 2012 from 7:00 a.m. or the report that will be broadcast in the program "C'est au program" on Wednesday, April 11, 2012 from 9:50 a.m.