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Terrarium:here is the miracle trick to properly maintain your indoor forest!

In interiors,the terrarium beautifies the space and allows you to create a small indoor garden , particularly charming. If we love it, we don't always know how to maintain it . Indeed, its mosses, soil and succulents require very special care in order to develop properly. In the glass jar, hot air and humidity play an important role. Discover the trick that will help you maintain your terrarium.

Terrarium:here is the miracle trick to properly maintain it

The terrarium requires a confined natural environment. Thus, its glass jar must remain closed and humid as much as possible. For your terrarium to grow properly , make sure it is placed correctly. Install it in a space with lots of light and during the winter, you can put it up to a meter from a window. It promotes photosynthesis in the plant.

Finally, the trick for your terrarium to develop properly lies in watering! The glass forest needs to be humidified once a week in winter and2 to 3 times a week during the summer . Remember to observe the foam. If the latter is dark green, then it means that your terrarium has enough water. If on the contrary the color of the foam becomes very clear (see whitish), it is time to water it. Don't panic if you see a little fog on the wall:the plants draw water through the roots and thus release carbon dioxide, oxygen and water.

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