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6 things to know to properly maintain your swimming pool

6 things to know to properly maintain your swimming pool

Owning your own swimming pool is a dream for bathing lovers. Once installed, there are a few tips to follow to maintain it properly. By following them, the pleasure of this installation will be total. There are indeed simple habits to adopt to ensure that your swimming pool is always as welcoming.

Using a landing net for easier cleaning

To avoid cleaning your pool thoroughly every day, simple actions are to be adopted. The landing net is essential for chasing leaves on the surface of the above ground pool. Convenient for removing insects and impurities, this tool avoids embarking on major daily cleaning. Before swimming or putting on your cover for the night, this reflex significantly improves the cleanliness of the water.

Invest in a pool robot

6 things to know to properly maintain your swimming pool

To clean the bottom of the pool without getting exhausted, the pool robot has become essential. On a weekly basis, your model purchased on piscineshop is responsible for sucking up the gravel, sand and dirt that have settled at the bottom. More practical than a broom, it is also more effective in ensuring that you swim in a perfectly clean pool. Automatically, it perfectly cleans each wall of the pool to guarantee optimal maintenance.

Choosing cleaning kits

To ensure the cleanliness of your swimming pool, the right treatment will make the difference. The best solution is to opt for a kit that takes care of disinfecting, eliminating algae and cleaning the filter. With full action, the bathing water will always be perfect for young and old. Several brands offer high-performance products to achieve action on several levels.

Use an ozonator

If chlorine and bromine are perfect for the pool, they should be associated with an ozonator which optimizes their action. Its role is to reduce the hardness of the water and ensure that the filter lasts longer. Properly maintaining your pool with salt is also possible to save money but also to guarantee swimming in the best conditions.

Check the pH of the water

6 things to know to properly maintain your swimming pool

For safe swimming, the pH should be checked at least once a week and every other day when temperatures rise. Kits exist to check that it is indeed between 7.2 and 7.6. If this is not the case, you must intervene by adding flocculant or disinfecting the pool. For the body, a pH that is too acidic or too basic can harm your health. You must therefore be vigilant on the subject in order to swim without risk.

The interest of the electric heater

To keep the water at the right temperature on all sunny days, a device that heats the pool is essential. A heat exchanger is also very interesting given its ability to heat up the temperature of the water. Thanks to an associated boiler, its efficiency is exceptional.