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Good wood paint:where is the difference in quality?

Although there are dozens of different paint brands that sell a wide range of paint types, they do not all offer the same quality. But how do you know which one is good and which one is less good? What is the difference between the brands and which paint is best suited for which type of wood? I now have quite a bit of experience with wood paint, since I have already done the necessary painting in our entire house in recent years. I would like to give you some tips about good wood paint.

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Search for reliable brands and good-wood-paint

First of all, it is important to look at the brand that offers the paint. The more well-known the brands, the higher the reliability. If a brand specializes in paint only, such as Sigma paint, you can assume that their focus is on the right parts. I have also noticed this when painting our interior doors, for example. Although the house paint from hardware stores does not always have to be bad, it is often not composed with as much attention and care as the paint from, for example, a specialized paint store.

When painting the interior doors, I initially started with a private label, but eventually switched to a good wood paint from a paint specialist.

Choose the right-type of paint

Besides the fact that you use specific wood paint for painting, it is also important to look at the different options. The properties of wood paint for indoor use are completely different from the properties of wood paint for outside. So pay close attention to that. You often see a house on the outside of the paint can with an arrow on the outside of the house, or an arrow on the inside. This allows you to recognize whether you are dealing with a paint for outside or inside. Different properties require different compositions.

Good wood-paint for inside and outside

Good wood paint for outside, for example, must be of a high quality to keep the paintwork beautiful for as long as possible. The paint must be resistant to weather influences. In addition, it must also be possible to process at different temperatures, dry well, be scratch and wear-free and retain the color for a long time. You don't want to have to repaint your exterior windows every year, do you?

Although a number of properties are reflected in most types of exterior paint for wood, almost all properties are reflected in the Sigma S2U Allure Gloss. This good wood paint is suitable for 4-season maintenance and works best when the Allure Primer is also used. In addition, this paint is easy to apply at different temperatures and dries quickly when it is a bit colder. I think it's a really nice paint to work with, and the paintwork I've done with it actually just looks good. Though I say so myself.

A good wood paint for indoor use in any case has the property that it covers well and is scratch-resistant. Processing at certain temperatures is less important here, as is the shelf life in terms of weather influences. For indoor and outdoor paint, it always applies that a good wood paint applies in any case finely with a brush (or roller) and that it flows well. The latter ensures that any streaks will automatically close when applied.


When you know which properties your paint must meet, you can compare different suppliers, brands and types of paint. Which characteristics are important depends on your own situation. For example, do you want the paint to dry quickly under low temperatures, or do you want the paint to be easy to clean? Is the paint intended for outdoor objects, or is it mainly used indoors?

Clearly identify your needs and then see which brands and types of paint meet the most needs. If you order online, you can often filter out the good wood paint based on those properties. Can't you do it? Simply send an email with your questions to the relevant webshop. If you buy your paint from a specialist, you can of course just ask.

As you can see, quality is a broad concept that in many cases depends on your own wishes and needs and the situation in which the paint will be used.