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My goal during our renovations:extra daylight in the house

I like light in the house. And of open space. I also see myself living in a loft like this, for example, despite the fact that I am very happy where we live now. A big advantage of the house where we now live is that there are many possibilities to get even more light into the house. And the living room has windows on three sides, which is nice too. I think I got the need for open spaces and daylight in the house from my mother, she was also such a light lover.

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Bring daylight-into-house and connect-rooms

These are the starting points for all our renovations. Connecting spaces by breaking down walls, so that, for example, more light automatically enters the house. For example, during the renovation of our office, we placed two huge fronts at the front. Here comes a lot of light into the house. Even when the weather is dark, it is still fairly light in our office. I really like that myself, but our plants are also very happy with it, haha.

When renovating the office, we also demolished a small bedroom on the ground floor and broke through the wall so that we can walk from the office to our chill area. It's great when those spaces flow into each other like that and later with the new floor it will be even more beautiful if we also have one continuous floor. What a spatial effect that will give. Incidentally, by breaking through the wall, we have gained even more daylight into the house, because light now also comes in from the other side.

But there are even more ways to bring more daylight into your home, I'll show you a few examples below.

Steel doors in the house instead of solid-doors

This is one that we use in our current renovation. The door from the hall to the kitchen was a wooden door with a few small windows at the top. We have removed this door (as we speak we are without a door) and made the opening a bit bigger. In a few weeks the plasterer will plaster it neatly and then a cool steel door will be installed. A larger door (93*231.5 cm) and one with a lot of glass. This ensures that it will become a lot lighter in the hall.

In the construction, skylights will soon be added for extra daylight in the house

In the extension that is planned in a few years, we will again be working with skylights in the flat roof. A large sliding door will provide the necessary light, but skylights give just that little bit extra from above. You have them in all shapes and sizes of course and I personally prefer a skylight instead of a dome as you see above. This gives a sleek and modern look and a lot of extra daylight in the house. Delicious!

If you are thinking of an extension, you can of course also look at a glass roof as you saw above, or as the photo below. I think that's great, but you have to be aware that you have to clean often. In our previous house we had a veranda with such a beautiful glass roof. Very cool, but not if you don't clean it for too long. The length of the glass roof below is still manageable, but with a veranda of 4 meters deep I would not recommend that to anyone.

Indoor patio instead of a 'normal' skylight

I used to think it was very strange 'things' those indoor patios. But my taste is also subject to change, because nowadays I think it's great. Let's face it, something like the above is every woman's dream, isn't it? Who wouldn't want an indoor patio with all that greenery near your bath and your bedroom? I do! That is not the case in our current house.

Now this is also a special example, because the indoor patio is made from the roof terrace, so on the second floor. In the same place where 'normal' houses just have a skylight for extra daylight, Britta (you know, from the perfect renovation) has introduced a completely different idea here in her design. Very beautiful, although you shouldn't have any problems with daylight in your bedroom in the morning.

Inbetweens instead of dark-curtains

Everyone used to have curtains. Nowadays you also see people who only have window decoration in the form of blinds or pleated curtains, for example. The latter are also great for more daylight in the house, provided you choose top down and bottom up. Then you can also leave the top of your window free, so that more light comes in.

If you like the curtains in front of the window, then go for inbetweens, they also let some light through.