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Good luck with the neighbors?

You don't choose your neighbors, you just have to be lucky. Fortunately, in most cases it goes well, but you only have a few episodes of 'De Rijdende Rechter' and you see that considerable conflicts can arise between neighbors. Conflicts range from a tree that provides a lot of shade for the neighbors to quite a bit of noise pollution. There are several neighbor conflicts that all require a different solution. Read here what you can do best for each conflict.

Four types of neighbor disputes
To know what to do in the event of a neighbor conflict, it is useful to first investigate what exactly the conflict is. Four types of neighbor disputes can be distinguished:
● Classic neighbor dispute
● Relationship conflict
● Antisocial neighbours
● Neighbors with psychiatric problems

The classic neighbor dispute
A classic neighbor dispute is often about things like a fence that is not properly placed on the property line or a tree with overhanging branches. These are matters for which there is very clear legislation and regulations, which is why they are often easy to resolve. In most cases, a local police officer or a housing association can help to solve the problem among themselves. If not resolved, the classic neighbor dispute turns into a relationship conflict, then more may be needed.

Relationship conflict
The difference between a classic neighbor dispute and a relationship conflict is that in the latter the emotions take the upper hand. The quarrel often starts small and develops into a major conflict. Neighbors can no longer be nice to each other and do not come up with a solution. The relationship conflict is often seen in neighbors who first got along, maybe even befriended, and then something happens that breaks that friendly relationship. Here too, help from the municipality or housing association can help first. Sometimes that is not enough and legal action is taken about the cause of the argument. Very unfortunate of course, the chance that the friendship will recover is not great. In addition, legal action also entails a lot of costs. Legal expenses are covered with legal expenses insurance, but without legal expenses insurance the costs can be quite high.

Asocial neighbors
Most people who move into a new home are always very curious about the neighbors. And in particular, it is hoped that they will not be 'anti-social' neighbours. Living next to nuisance neighbors is very annoying and as a neighbor you are often powerless. Think of things like noise pollution, letting the dog defecate in your driveway or putting the car on the sidewalk. Many people don't dare to say anything about this, for fear that it will get worse. Calling in the police is often the best thing to do if the nuisance continues, but not everyone dares to do that either. There are plenty of known cases of people moving house because of nuisance from their neighbors.

Neighbors with psychiatric problems
Perhaps the most distressing situation:neighbors with a psychiatric disorder who cause nuisance. For example, consider someone who suffers from delusions. Or someone who cannot properly maintain his house and garden due to his problems, making the house look like a ruin. If you observe these kinds of problems, it is wise to contact the community officer or the care team in the district. They can take a closer look and possibly ensure that the right help is called in.