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Art at home! Do you go for exclusive, or do you choose mainstream and affordable?

There is nothing more personal than art in the house I think. Although your entire interior is of course based on personal taste, art goes one step further. If one person opts for personal photos on the wall, the other prefers exclusive art that is only made once. In addition, there are also plenty of people who go for more mainstream affordable art at home. Simply because they do not find it financially attractive to look for exclusive art, or because the affordable art simply suits their taste better.

Choose affordable art in your home that you use more often sees? Or do you go for exclusive?

I find something to say for both. I myself am very difficult with things on the wall and I also like to vary the layout of my house. Opting for affordable art at home is then easier, because you can also switch without feeling guilty. If you go for exclusive art you generally pay clearly more. But I still don't rule out exclusive art in the house, because gosh, there are so many artists who make really beautiful things!

I don't think everything just fits in our house, but I can appreciate a lot of styles. In terms of furnishing, but also in terms of art. I like a bit modern in the house, with a cool twist. I will therefore not quickly go for a painting by one of the old masters, although they are super trendy at the moment. Just think, for example, of images of the milkmaid by Johannes Vermeer. You can currently find them in all sorts of ways. In the form of a wall hanging, for example, or to print it yourself on photo hexagons or in the form of a cool wall circle. Because of course it's not just about the image, but also about the shape you are looking for.

Affordable art in our-chill-room

So I was looking for something beautiful for the wall in the chill room. And since adolescent boys and girls regularly hang out there, I wanted something on the wall that I didn't have to worry about too much. So no old master, but affordable art in the house that -if necessary- can take a beating. That is why I opted for tapestry 'the look' which I found at How coincidental 😉 . A very nice print in colors that fit well with our interior with a cool look by the woman who is on it. Lotte doesn't like it (so you see, you can't argue about taste), but the rest is fine I think.

No doubt you have seen this tapestry before somewhere, but I don't care. Some people have a bit against mainstream art, because you don't have exclusive rights to these items, but soi. I think that if you like something you don't have to look at it whether others have it or not.

Exclusive art-in-home

But that doesn't mean that I don't think it's fantastic to have some unique items at home. I am also very happy with my moon painting by Lady of the Fresh Moon. A 'one of a kind' that hangs nowhere else in beautiful colors. Actually, the color combinations of both do match, only the colors of my moon painting are a bit more intense than those of the tapestry.

For me it is the financial picture that is often the deciding factor to go for more affordable art. As long as we still have a number of renovations to go, expensive art is simply not in it. Our priority is to beautify and improve the house and that art will come. Until we bump into something we can't avoid. Because that's how it is with art at home. If you are really touched by something, and you can afford it, money plays less of a role. Then the importance of your feelings weighs a greater role, just like with our moon painting.

By the way, when I was looking for the wall hanging that I already had in my head, I also found a great plastic image. At first I thought that this one might be nice for in the garden, near the jacuzzi, but for now, the gentleman is still in the hall scaring people, haha. When we have finished renovating, I'll take a look at my leisure to see where it is best!

Are you also looking for art that is affordable? Here you will find beautiful wall hangings and affordable images.

What about you? Do you go for affordable art or do you like to spend more money on exclusive art? And what type of art do you like?