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What is home insurance used for? Is it mandatory? How to choose it?

Taking out home insurance allows you to be protected and compensated in the event of a claim in your home and damage to your property. A tenant or a roommate is obliged to take out such a contract while a landlord does not have this obligation even if home insurance is essential:it is essential to protect his home and safeguard his assets knowing that his guarantees adapt to everyone's way of life.

What is home insurance used for? Is it mandatory? How to choose it?

What does home insurance cover?

Home insurance covers damage to the property of the insured and those for which he is responsible as tenant or owner of a dwelling, even if the latter is not obliged to take out home insurance contrary to the tenant (see here for more).

Damage caused to a third party is covered by the subscription of a civil liability guarantee, which is compulsory for tenants and co-owners. Most of the time this guarantee is included in the home insurance contract. Each home insurance contract contains guarantees that differ according to the insurers. But generally, home insurance covers damage suffered as a result of fire, water damage, storm or following a theft or burglary.

If one of these situations is not covered in a home insurance contract, the insured is advised to take out additional options in relation to his original contract, to include these guarantees. It is also essential to know the procedure to follow to be compensated by your insurance company in the event of a claim. Improperly completed procedures can in fact lead to the non-coverage of damage by home insurance.

Most home insurance policies provide for a reimbursement deductible in the event of a claim. This means that the insured is not reimbursed for the total amount of his loss, but for this amount from which we deduct a deductible . For movable property, the amount of compensation depends on the amount of capital subscribed in the home insurance contract. So be careful not to underestimate your capital at the risk of being poorly compensated in the event of a claim.

On the other hand, home insurance also includes, in most cases, the guarantee of legal protection and home assistance .

Who should I contact to take out home insurance?

Home insurance can be taken out with a general insurance agent, broker, bank or insurance company. It is advisable to inquire with several organizations and compare their offers in terms of home insurance.

To obtain insurance that perfectly meets your needs, it is essential to indicate to the insurance organizations the types of guarantees desired and the precise details of the goods to be insured. For its part, the insurer must, in its proposals, clearly indicate the limits of the guarantees it offers, such as the risks not covered for example, and the steps to be taken so that the home insurance is triggered in the event of a claim.

Before signing a home insurance contract, it is essential to read in detail the documents provided by your insurer in order to know what damage is insured and compensated. An insurer can refuse to take out home insurance and there is no legal deadline to respect to respond to an insurance request. Once the home insurance contract has been taken out, the insurer has the obligation to provide a certificate proving the existence of this contract. Home insurance has a cost. Insurance premiums are revised annually on the anniversary date of the contract based on the French Building Federation (FFB) index.