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20 useless stuff you have at home to throw away right now.

20 useless stuff you have at home to throw away right now.

Tired of wasting a lot of time putting away useless stuff?

If so, that means it's time to sort out your stuff!

I know, I know, it's easier said than done...

...but it's worth it especially to save space at home.

To help you, here is a list of 20 useless things you can get rid of without regret . Watch:

20 useless stuff you have at home to throw away right now.

Click here to easily print this list in PDF.

1. Outdated makeup

20 useless stuff you have at home to throw away right now.

You don't know how long to keep old makeup products ? Easy ! Check out the guide here:

- Powder makeup (blush, bronzer, eyeshadow):2 years

- Blush &cream eyeshadow :12 to 18 months

- Oil-free foundation :1 year

- Compact foundation :18 months

- Concealer &correctors :12 to 18 months

- Lipsticks &lip liners :1 year

- Gloss :18 to 24 months

- Pencil eyeliners :2 years

- Gel or liquid eyeliners :3 months

- Mascara :3 months

To discover: The 13 Super Powers of Women Who Don't Wear Makeup.

2. Old clothes

20 useless stuff you have at home to throw away right now.

Do you also keep lots of old jeans in which you no longer fit, which are neatly stored at the back of your dressing room?

I did the same too!

The problem is, if one day you can wear your old jeans again... you won't want them anymore!

Why ? Simply because fashion will have changed, and you will surely want to buy a new style of jeans!

The solution ? Donate to charity , like Emmaüs, all the clothes that no longer fit you or that you haven't worn for more than 1 year.

To discover: The Infallible Trick To Sort Out Your Clothes.

3. Expired spices

20 useless stuff you have at home to throw away right now.

Spices are one of those foods that we buy, use once or twice, and easily forget in a cupboard.

Of course, there are many foods that you can eat – even when expired. Click here to discover them.

But not the spices, because they too have an best before date !

You do not risk much by eating them but know that they will have almost no taste.

So remember to check yours and throw away the bad ones.

To discover: Are you missing a spice for a recipe? Here's What To Replace It With.

4. Books already read

20 useless stuff you have at home to throw away right now.

I love reading. And I'm talking about real tree paper books, not a Kindle-type e-reader!

On the other hand, I try to keep only my favorite books, the ones I like to lend or reread from time to time.

For everyone else, I donate it either in our neighborhood media library.

Or I offer them to a school, a hospital library or in one of the many reading boxes.

To discover: The 10 Benefits of Reading:Why You Should Read Every Day.

5. Animal toys

20 useless stuff you have at home to throw away right now.

Did you know that in France, the pet market exceeds 4 billion euros?

Regular! Whether it's cat or dog owners, the French love their pets.

For example, I never resist it. I'm always buying new toys for my cat Boris.

Except that very often, Boris does not play with the toys that are offered to him!

In reality, his toys accumulate in a basket and gather dust in a corner of the living room...

Throw away old pet toys that are broken, torn, or no longer work.

And if the toys are still in good condition, donate them to an animal shelter .

And of course, keep your pets' favorite toys!

To discover: The Inexpensive Or Free Toy Your Cat Will LOVE.

6. Nail polish

20 useless stuff you have at home to throw away right now.

Nail polish falls into the same category as makeup.

But be aware that its lifespan is slightly longer:about 2 years .

By the way, here is an unstoppable trick to open the nail polish when the cap is stuck.

7. Underwear

20 useless stuff you have at home to throw away right now.

If it's punctured, discolored or, even worse, stained:it's TO THE Trash !

But that's obvious, isn't it?

To discover: 19 Great Tips to Stay Clean and NEVER Smell Bad Again.

8. Old telephones

20 useless stuff you have at home to throw away right now.

Do you keep all your old cell phones neatly tucked away in a closet?

Then it's time to part with it!

And the same goes for your other obsolete electronic devices:Tamagotchi, Minitel, Mini-Disc player...

Today, most specialized stores take back used devices with the purchase of a new one.

You can even try to sell your old devices on and earn some money. Find out how here.

But the easiest way is to bring your old electronic and electrical devices to a collection point near you by clicking here.

9. Children's toys

20 useless stuff you have at home to throw away right now.

Having kids also means dealing with a toy invasion in your home.

Besides, sometimes it hurts! Have you ever stepped on a LEGO in the middle of the night?

Do you have toys that your children no longer play with?

So if you don't plan to have other children, you might as well share it with the children who really have them. need...

Donate old toys who no longer serve by contacting an association such as the Secours populaire.

For all the rest of the toys, namely those that are worn, broken or missing pieces:it's off to the recycling center!

To discover: The Tip To Easily Wash And Disinfect Your Children's Toys.

10. Household linen

20 useless stuff you have at home to throw away right now.

Your old towels can be cut into small rags , an ideal solution for DIY jobs.

You can also donate your old linens to an animal shelter.

Indeed, shelters use old towels and blankets to make their cages more comfortable...

Waiting for the animals to find a new owner.

Check with local animal shelters or ask your vet if they need your old linens.

You can also deposit your household linen in collection containers such as those at the Relais.

And for your old sheets, here are 12 ways to reuse them.

11. Costume jewelry

20 useless stuff you have at home to throw away right now.

Getting rid of costume jewelery is particularly difficult for my daughter and for me.

But trust my experience! Just take a look in your jewelry box.

And you will quickly realize that you have many jewelry that you no longer wear.

If you haven't worn a piece of jewelry for a long time, it means it's time to part with it!

The best thing is to offer them to friends or their children.

If no one wants it, it's on to the trash can!

To discover: How I Recover My Darkening Costume Jewelry.

12. Decorative objects

20 useless stuff you have at home to throw away right now.

Every year it's the same thing...I go to the attic and bring down our box of Christmas decorations.

Except afterwards, I barely use half of the objects in the box – and it's always the same Christmas decorations.

Sort it out:throw away or give away the decorations that you never use.

To discover: 35 Christmas Decoration Ideas That Will Bring Joy to Your Home.

13. Baubles

20 useless stuff you have at home to throw away right now.

As Grandmother said, "a place for everything and everything in its place".

However, we all have a tote drawer in which we throw trinkets and other worthless objects that we do not know where to put.

Well, precisely:if you "store" an object in a filthy drawer, it certainly means that its place is in the trash!

So, get rid of unnecessary trinkets from your tote drawer , and find a real storage place for the objects you want to keep.

To discover: Finally a Simple Tip to Organize the Interior of Your Drawers.

14. Newspapers and magazines

20 useless stuff you have at home to throw away right now.

My husband likes to keep big piles of the magazines and journals he has read in our bathroom.

Brilliant... I think that's really messy.

Instead, you can give your old magazines and journals to a relative or friend who would appreciate them.

Otherwise, simply put the magazines and magazines you no longer read in the trash to recycle the paper .

To discover: 25 Surprising Uses of Newsprint.

15. Gift bags

20 useless stuff you have at home to throw away right now.

Anyone who saves goody bags for reuse, raise your finger!

Me too. But in reality, I rarely reuse these bags to give a gift.

Instead, I prefer to wrap the gifts myself and add a beautiful satin ribbon or other personal touch.

Believe me, all those gift bags from your baptism will be much more useful if you put them in the recycling .

16. Receipts

20 useless stuff you have at home to throw away right now.

Do you have lots of receipts piling up in drawers and at the bottom of your purse?

If the recovery or exchange time on the receipt is exceeded, put these little messmakers in the recycling .

Even better, most stores offer to send receipts by email.

Practical, because dematerialization saves you the problem of old receipts piling up and it avoids using paper for nothing...

17. Hotel samples

20 useless stuff you have at home to throw away right now.

After a trip, many people return home with a suitcase full of free samples.

It can be soap, shampoo, conditioner, moisturizer...

The problem is that these samples are rarely, if ever, used. .

Instead, take your hotel samples to a emergency shelter for the homeless.

This is the perfect place to donate!

18. Medicines

20 useless stuff you have at home to throw away right now.

Do you have expired medications? Do not throw them in the trash, in the sink or in the toilet.

The best way to get rid of medicines (expired or not) is to bring them back to the pharmacy .

Indeed, be aware that in France, all pharmacies are under the obligation to collect unused medicines.

If in an emergency you cannot go to a pharmacy, here is the method recommended by professionals.

At least try to mix the drugs in an inedible substance (kitty litter, coffee grounds, etc.).

Then, put everything in a plastic bag, to be thrown away with your household waste.

To discover: The Black List of 39 Dangerous Medicines FOR YOUR CHILDREN.

19. Foods from the freezer

20 useless stuff you have at home to throw away right now.

The freezer is always handy for having food on hand with which to prepare a hot meal.

The problem is that we tend to forget all the stuff we put in the freezer.

Over time, improperly packaged foods become dehydrated and can form freeze burns, also known as freezer burns .

So, if you see ice forming on the food in your freezer, it's time to throw it out .

To discover: How Long Can You Keep Food in the Freezer? The ESSENTIAL Practical Guide.

20. Objects of sentimental value

20 useless stuff you have at home to throw away right now.

There's a good reason I saved this point for's super hard!

Parting with irreplaceable objects is a delicate mission.

So here, the watchword is to take your time and proceed with caution .

Of course, I'm not suggesting that you throw away all your letters and photos at once.

But maybe with a quick sorting, you could start by getting rid of a few old birthday cards here and there.

Maybe you're more into photography?

Instead of keeping them in an old shoebox, try finding a cooler way to show them off to enjoy.

For example, you can put your best shots in a homemade photo album, or simply scan your photos and store them on your computer.

Your turn…

So, you've tested my list of 20 things you can get rid of WITHOUT regret ? Let me know in the comments if it worked. I can't wait to read you!