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The reason you shouldn't throw away your leftover soap.

The reason you shouldn t throw away your leftover soap.

Does all those little bits of soap that remain annoy you?

Who has never been perplexed as to the use of the small remnants of their somewhat shriveled soaps?

Don't throw them away!

You know why ? There is a trick to easily re-making soap without it costing you a penny!

The reason you shouldn t throw away your leftover soap.

How to

1. Take all the little bits of soap lying around.

2. Heat a water bath.

3. Place all the pieces of soap in the saucepan, over low heat.

4. Wait for them to liquefy.

5. Pour the liquid into a pretty mould.

6. Allow to cool to solidify.


The reason you shouldn t throw away your leftover soap.

There you go, you have a brand new soap that didn't cost you anything :-)

You can use any mold.

But why not choose themes to have fun soaps? Molds in the shape of funny animals, molds on the Christmas theme...

Your turn...

Have you tried this money-saving trick to recycle leftover soap? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!