Gnats swirling around the house?
It's probably because you have fruit lying around in the kitchen...
Yep, midges can't resist the smell of fruit in the basket!
Fortunately, I reveal a natural and effective parade to say goodbye to food gnats at home.
Here is the anti-midges recipe with a single product to put an end to an invasion!
The trick is to spray a little alcohol at 70° to get rid of these little insects. Watch:
- 70% alcohol
- fogger
1. Fill the fogger with 70° alcohol.
2. Spray a fine mist of alcohol over your fruit.
3. Renew the operation regularly.
And There you go ! Thanks to this grandmother's trick, no more gnats squatting in the house or the apartment :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
And the results are instantaneous! The gnats clear off immediately.
The positive point is that no insects are killed with this method.
We just keep them away, instead of eliminating them.
It is therefore a repellent method in accordance with the fauna of our planet.
And above all, no need to buy ultra chemical and really very expensive insecticide bombs.
This trick works for both fruits and vegetables.
Some tend to attract flies more, such as bananas, peaches, red fruits, cherries, potatoes...
You can also spray an alcohol mist on the fruit of your trees in the orchard.
Fruit trees do not suffer from this, the fruits are not damaged. And at least they are not eaten by insects.
Be careful, overripe or rotten fruit attracts insects even more. Remember to remove them from your fruit basket.
There are also traps to hang in fruit trees. Only downside is that bees can also fall into it.
I prefer repellent solutions to those where midges are trapped. Check out the trick here.
Flies and gnats hate the smell of 70% alcohol
By spraying it over your fruits and vegetables, it leaves an odor barely perceptible to us...but disgusting to insects.
So they won't come near your fruit basket anymore.
Don't worry, it's safe for us. Even if the fruit does not peel.
Just rinse the fruit or vegetable before eating or cooking.