Want to save space at home?
So nothing better than doing a good spring cleaning!
For me, spring is the perfect time to get rid of the unnecessary stuff that clutters my house.
It feels so good to do a lot of sorting and decluttering the interior of my house!
The problem is, you never know where to start!
It's true, it's hard to sort and throw away old things without regret...
The Zen solution is to use a list. This list ! So, ready to declutter your home?
Here is the list of 100 things to throw away to save space at home, room by room ! Watch:
Click here to easily print this guide in PDF.
Of course, it would be impossible to sort through your entire house in a single day.
So think about planning your spring cleaning.
I advise you to choose one piece per day to declutter.
And believe my experience, in no time your home (and your life) will be much more zen and pleasant.
1. DVDs you haven't watched in two years
2. Extra trinkets. I love decorative objects too… but too many trinkets =too much dust! So try to do a little sorting and get rid of some of your trinkets.
3. The books you will never read again. Take the time to take a good look at the old books on your shelves. Donate the ones you'll never read to an association.
4. The mail lying around
5. Old newspapers. If they are no longer relevant, put all the newsprint in the recycling!
6. Old magazines
7. The remains of candles. Maybe your leftover candles smell great or their jar looks stylish. But if you can't light a candle anymore, it's time to throw it away.
8. Empty perfume diffusers
9. Dead plants that you failed to save or are about to die.
10. Board games you no longer play. We all loved playing Cluedo when we were kids. But not anymore… So donate games that still have all their parts. Otherwise, recycle materials from incomplete puzzles and games.
11. Wall decorations that are ugly. Why have something hanging on your wall, but you don't really like it? Get rid of it and replace it with something you really like .
12. Animal toys. It often happens that animals do not play with the toys you offer them. If these toys are still in good condition, donate them to an animal shelter.
13. Object collections. No need to throw away all the objects in your collection, if it really brings you joy. Just try to sort it out and get rid of a few.
14. Kitchen accessories that have only one use. A good kitchen accessory must have several uses! Except maybe your French press…
15. Tupperware ® Food Containers mismatched or without cover
16. Takeaway boxes and trays
17. Chipped, cracked or stained glasses and dishes
18. Extra cups. But how do the cups multiply without us noticing? Free up space in your cupboards by donating mismatched cups to charity. And get rid of mismatched, chipped, or just plain ugly mugs.
19. Too many rags. I am convinced that tea towels are part of the same clan as mugs:we always have too many! Instead of letting them pile up, give them as gifts or upcycle them into DIY cloths.
20. The specialty dishes you never use. Do you really need 5 different types of stemware? Sort out and get rid of the dishes you never use.
21. To-go ketchup and soy sauce pods
22. Plastic cutlery
23. Plastic bags. We all have a collection of plastic bags under the sink, to recycle them into garbage bags. But I'm willing to bet you have A LOT more than you need!
24. Insipid or stale spices. Over time, the spices lose their flavor. So, have pity on your poor taste buds:throw away or replace your old spices.
25. ALL expired foods. Go dig into every corner of your kitchen:cupboards, pantry and refrigerator. Throw away all expired food.
26. Foods you won't eat. While you're at it... Get rid of the foods you keep that you know you'll NEVER eat.
27. The extra cotton bags
28. Too many magnets on your fridge
29. Take-out restaurant menus. Frankly, why keep them? All menus are on the Internet.
30. Cookbooks you don't use. Again, all the best recipes are on the Internet.
31. Duplicate accessories. Contrary to popular belief, it is impossible to use two can openers at the same time.
32. Cleaning products that don't really do the job
33. Excess glass vases and jars
34. Orphan socks and holey socks
35. Clothes that no longer fit you. No reason to wear clothes you feel uncomfortable in. If an item of clothing no longer fits you, drop it off in a Relay container!
36. Uncomfortable bras. Again, it's the same. A garment is made to be comfortable.
37. Your LEAST favorite pair of shoes. I know, it's always hard to part with it. Choose only one pair of shoes:the ones you like the least. Unless these shoes are necessary for your job, I'm sure you'll be able to get by without them.
38. Clothes you haven't worn in over a year.
39. Clothes you haven't taken back yet. Either mend them now or get rid of them.
40. Extra hangers
41. Clothes with holes. Ripped jeans are fine. On the other hand, you can say goodbye to tights that have lots of little holes.
42. T-shirts, caps, sunglasses and other promotional clothing
43. Sunglasses and eyeglasses that have scratches
44. Worn out shoes
45. Unnecessary duplicates
46. T-shirts with yellow patches under the arms. The time has come. Say goodbye to undershirts with ugly traces of deodorant that won't come off.
47. Excess accessories and jewelry. Sort through your collection of jewelry, scarves and hats. Donate any items you no longer like to charity.
48. The orphan earrings
49. Broken jewels
50. Soft toys
51. Material from hobbies you've given up
52. Abandoned DIY projects. You know the ones you're never going to finish? I know it's hard, but we'll have to face it.
53. Scraps of fabric and ribbons
54. Leftover wrapping paper
55. Too much bubble wrap. No need to keep a whole stock! It only takes enough to send a package or two, no more.
56. Tissue paper for gifts and packaging. Come on, boom! Recycle your entire collection!
57. Dried up pens and markers. Take five short minutes to test and dry out your pens and markers. Throw out any that don't write anymore or write so badly that you never use them.
58. Advertising notebooks
59. Cables and chargers you don't use. You don't even know what they're for anymore? You won't find out tomorrow.
60. Old electronic devices
61. Greeting cards. Do you find it difficult to part with an object of sentimental value? Try scanning your greeting cards before disposing of them.
62. Business cards. Save all contact details in your smartphone. And put all those business cards in the sorting bin.
63. Old bills and receipts. What to do with important papers? The little trick is to scan them and save them in digital format! For the rest, read this guide on how long to keep your papers.
64. The rubber bands. No reason to keep a huge stock. Over time, rubber loses its elasticity. So either recycle them or dispose of them.
65. Expired coupons
66. Clipboards. Honestly, how likely is a gust of wind to sweep the papers across your desk? Rather weak, no?
67. Too many headphones. No one really needs more than a pair or two of headphones.
68. The bookmarks. Same, keep one or two, and get rid of the rest.
69. Calculators. Unless you do math every day in your office, use your smartphone calculator!
70. Outdated makeup
71. Almost empty bottles of shower gel and shampoo
72. Samples of beauty products. If you don't want to waste samples, try this little trick. Put them all in a large bowl, in a prominent place. Afterwards, use one sample a day, until you run out.
73. Lipsticks never used
74. Leftover soap. Use these tricks to recycle small pieces of soap. Otherwise, it's in the trash!
75. Old towels that will never regain their absorbency. You can either cut them out of rag or donate them along with your old linens to an animal shelter. That way, your frayed towels will be used for something.
76. Dry nail polishes
77. The perfumes and colognes you can't smell. Get rid of it, even if it's a gift.
78. Creams, body milks and soaps that you do not use
79. Extra linens and blankets. Otherwise, here are some ingenious ways to recycle your old sheets.
80. Cardboard boxes. Save a box or two to send a package, and recycle everything else.
81. Empty packing boxes. Why let them pile up in your cellar? If you want to claim the warranty, you will be asked for the invoice, not the packaging. So, recycle all empty shipping cartons.
82. Broken or cracked storage bins. If an object cannot perform its one and only function, it should be discarded.
83. Instructions for use. You can find almost all user manuals on the Internet!
84 . The screws and bolts that you keep "just in case"
85 . Seasonal decorations you haven't used in two years
86. The broken seasonal decorations
87. Seasonal decorations that are too specific. Do you only use a decorative item one day a year? This means that it takes up space the other 364 days of the year!
88. Old keys lying around
89. Expired batteries. You know the trick to tell if a battery is working?
90. School books. I know, they cost you a fortune. But honestly, when was the last time you opened them?
91. Musical instruments you no longer play
92. Extra photo frames
93. Duplicates of your photos
94. The prank gifts and catches. They were funny at the time... But today, what's less funny is all the dust they accumulate.
95. Broken power tools. If you really wanted to fix them, you would have done so a long time ago, right?
96. Rusty Tools
97. Duplicate tools. Having some of your tools duplicated is completely normal. But for most other tools, one is enough. So keep the best, and donate the rest.
98. Sports equipment that you no longer use
99. Old paint cans. Or else, reuse them to give a trendy look to your furniture.
100. Unused or expired chemicals. You've been procrastinating for years. The time has come:call the recycling center to get rid of this hazardous waste.