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5 tips to easily save time

Work, children, study, household, cooking, shopping, cleaning and so on:we are busy with it. Our days are often so full of tasks and to-dos that we collapse on the couch at the end of the day exhausted. Before you know it you find out that you've taken too much on your fork and you're done with it. It would actually be really nice to be able to save some time every now and then. These handy lifehacks ensure that you suddenly have a little more time!

1. Automate processes
Some processes take quite some time without actually being necessary. For example, think of jobs such as replacing the cartridges in the printers; before you have found and ordered new cartridges you are often an hour further. Fortunately, these kinds of processes are easy to automate. For example, nowadays there are print subscriptions with which all this is done automatically. Read more about print subscriptions here!

2. Get up a bit earlier
Everyone has their own productive hours; and for most people, these fall early in the morning. If you go to bed half an hour to an hour earlier in the evening, you can get up early in the morning. When your day starts around 5 to 6 in the morning, you naturally have much more time at your disposal and you can finish the tasks of that day earlier. With a bit of luck you can even take an afternoon nap!

3. Automate the home
The more things are done automatically, the less time you spend on this. Something as simple as closing the shutters or turning the lights on and off costs you just as much time as doing the laundry. By automating these processes with smart systems, you can save some extra time.

4. Make convenience and comfort your priority
Make it as easy on yourself as possible. For example, a cordless vacuum cleaner saves you time on vacuuming, and a washer-dryer combination means you no longer have to hang out the laundry. Every bit helps!

5. Set up schedules
Certainly when you live with several people in the house, you can certainly ask for help. For example, set up schedules for everyone in the house with different tasks. Think of tasks such as doing the dishes or laundry, mowing the grass, walking the dog, taking out the garbage and so on. Many hands make light work!