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Save energy, my 5 essential tips.

Save energy, my 5 essential tips.

Reducing your electricity bill can significantly reduce your expenses. So to save energy, here are my 5 essential tips.

Does your electricity bill send shivers down your spine? Me too, but I don't turn on my heating, I'm going to give you five tips that you will be able to easily put into practice without disturbing your little habits, or almost. Energy saving is yours on your budget.

1. Use energy-saving bulbs . If you equip your entire interior with energy-saving light bulbs, you will make big savings :you can divide at least by 3 your electricity consumption .

2. Give preference to showers. Baths are relaxing, but showers... are economical. For all the water needed for a good bath , you will pay a lot of electricity . Imagine, a bath is equivalent to more than five showers, it makes you think about your consumption. And then there's nothing like a bath when you haven't taken one for a long time... enough to reduce your consumption to take full advantage of it.

3. Remember to turn off all your standby devices. Leaving all our electrical appliances on standby is useless and it consumes electricity. 20 euros more on average on your electricity bill , it makes you want to take the time to turn off all your devices. Best to use a power strip with a switch that cuts off the current of all devices connected to the mains. Like that one stone, several blows.

4. Do not use an electric toothbrush. Not to mention the purchase of the electric toothbrush which costs you much more than a manual brush, you pay more in electricity since you need it to brush your teeth . You will save about ten euros by going without, which is not negligible.

5. Put a lid on to boil the water. If you put a lid on your pots , the water will boil much faster. Result:saving time and money in perspective.