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How to Customize my Basic Jeans into Chic Pants.

How to Customize my Basic Jeans into Chic Pants.

Jeans, always jeans. I finally found an original idea to customize my basic jeans into chic pants. My girlfriends all want it!

In my closet, there are a lot of jeans. Obviously, these are THE essential pants that go with everything. It can be associated with a sweater, a sexy t-shirt, or even a shirt. You can also play with contrasts by combining it with chic materials such as satin or small sequined tops.

Today, I decided to see my jeans, not as a basic to which I must add class to my outfit, but rather as chic pants that are sufficient on their own.

So I took out my basic jeans in which I'm good to customize it, wear it and love it even more...

Jeweled Pants

To make my basic jeans super chic, I opted for pearls which I will sew on the reverse. It gives a little glamorous touch to my ankles thanks to an all-beaded hem.

For that, I need:

- jeans basic

- 2 safety pins to fix the hem

- a needle

- white thread

- pearls white, dark and silver pearls

- a pair of scissors

One ​​Pearl at a Time

You might as well know it in advance, customizing your jeans into chic pants takes a little time. So I chose to stick to it on a rainy Sunday.

1. To start, I choose the size of my hem. Then, I fix my hem with safety pins so that it doesn't move.

2. I take out my sewing needle and my white thread. I pass the thread through the needle and tie a knot at the end. I prick my needle from inside from the hem outwards . The knot I made will allow the thread to be stuck in the jeans and will not move.

3. I take a first pearl and pass my needle inside. We push the pearl well on the jeans by pulling on the thread so that it does not move.

4. We prick and we replant with the thread to fix the pearl as it should. To make it hold well, I sew in one direction (I always pass my thread on the same side of the pearl) then in the other (I change sides to sew in the opposite direction).

I pass my thread through the bead from the inside of the hem outwards and repeat the operation several times, always starting from the same side of the bead. Then I change direction. No doubt, it will be well attached to the jeans like this.

One, Then the Others...

This is why you have to be patient. Once I have sewn my first bead, I will have to sew all the others on my hem. If the work is too long, you can sew more beads on the front lapel than on the back, which will be less noticeable.

Strass Pants

Oof! I finally finished, and I'm very happy with the work done. My jeans have a chic look with their pearls at the ankles. A nice and original outfit, shoes with heels or simple ballerinas, and it's really great.

What do you say girls? Are you going to sew pearls to your favorite jeans? Tell me in the comments.