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How to choose the right garden hose and hose reel?

How to choose the right garden hose and hose reel?

When it comes to gardening or outdoor activities, a garden hose is essential. It is interesting to provide a hose reel to facilitate movement and have the right length. Apart from quality, certain criteria allow you to make an informed choice.

Know the characteristics of pipes

How to choose the right garden hose and hose reel? Above all else, it is imperative to know that there are pipes of different diameters and lengths that all fit to a specific need. The pipe between 12.5 or 13mm corresponds to that which is necessary to recover water from a tap.

In 15mm format, it will be perfect for bringing the necessary water to your plants and flowers or for washing your car. The 19 mm format is the largest and therefore allows you to take advantage of more water.

To sublimate your garden, micro-irrigation can be of interest so it will be interesting to look into the methods of installing pipes from 4 to 12mm.

Maintaining the health of its trees will be done with large pipes of the order of 25 to 30mm in diameter. They provide the amount of water needed to invigorate and strengthen them. For each species, it will be necessary to find out about the real needs.

Quality and properties to consider

How to choose the right garden hose and hose reel? In terms of pipes, multilayers are preferred because they are synonymous with superior quality. The absence of heavy metals in the composition must be absolutely checked to ensure safety.

Torsion resistance, flexibility and maneuverability will allow the user to have the best experience with this material. Choosing a knitted reinforcement allows you to benefit from superior quality and facilitate rolling up at the end of use.

The reel on its side can be chosen equipped with the corresponding hose or it can be chosen separately. Selecting a model with an enveloping frame is a good way to protect your pipes against harsh weather conditions or dust. Depending on the desired practicality, each person can choose between a rolling mode from a handle or automatically.

Finally, you will have to question the interest of a wall-mounted reel or rather on a trolley depending on the size of your garden and your gardening needs. The length of the available hose will be decisive in choosing.