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Cardboard furniture:why does everyone make it at home?

Cardboard furniture:why does everyone make it at home?

This time it's decided, I'm not ruining myself anymore in my layout. I opt for a simple and inexpensive solution with recyclable cardboard furniture.

Armchairs, sofas, bookcases, tables, everything is ready to be assembled! Practical, I can make them or have them made by professionals.

Cardboard furniture, an economic discovery

Decoration is no longer one of my priorities. With the crisis, it is true that we tend to favor the useful over the beautiful. But I no longer have to make this choice with cardboard furniture. Their qualities and prices do not leave me indifferent.

In addition to becoming more and more designer, cardboard furniture is practical. Gone are the hours spent deciphering a construction manual. No more searching for the missing piece of the puzzle with these cardboard furniture, their construction is reminiscent of legos. This time, I optimize my time, my money and in addition, I can say that I contribute to the preservation of the planet.

Furniture to personalize with little hands

Modular and customizable at will, it's an opportunity to make my hands work in the service of my overflowing imagination. Cutting, painting, varnishing, engraving, I can do it all. Recyclable furniture is made for this. We recycle this material available for 3 times nothing in an original piece of furniture, functional and respectful of the environment.

Lightweight, I can now move my furniture at will to create the ideal decoration. And don't be fooled by appearances! Who says cheap and light, does not necessarily mean fragile. A well-built piece of furniture will not let you go for years!

It is therefore an original, intelligent, personal and natural furniture concept that allows you to create a permanently renewable home, in every sense of the word.

Who has cardboard furniture at home? Tell us about your experience and your decoration tips in the comments.

Savings Achieved

A cardboard furniture kit will cost you between 20 and 60 euros. This is THE good plan! Its quality/price ratio makes it almost 3 times cheaper than industrial furniture.

No more hesitating between a new coffee table and a TV cabinet. Now I can see life big with the cardboard and my wallet, he likes it!