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17 Clever Ways To Reuse Cardboard Boxes.

17 Clever Ways To Reuse Cardboard Boxes.

All internet purchases come in cardboard packaging.

As a result, we end up with empty boxes that we don't know what to do with...

In general, these boxes end up in the recycling bin... Wondering what to do with these packing boxes?

Luckily, there are plenty of ways to reuse those cardboard boxes and give them a second life.

And not just for moving!

You can craft lots of new useful items and save money.

The possibilities are almost endless, and that's what we like!

17 Clever Ways To Reuse Cardboard Boxes.

Cardboard can be folded, cut, painted, wrapped and arranged in almost any way.

Just let your imagination run wild. Here are 17 clever ways to reuse cardboard boxes. Don't worry these DIYs to make new things with cardboard are very easy. Watch:

1. As a thank you card

17 Clever Ways To Reuse Cardboard Boxes.

You received a nice gift and you want to thank the person who gave it to you? A beautiful handwritten thank you card never goes unnoticed. And why not use the cardboard from your gift to craft your message? Cut out your cardboard, fold the card and decorate it to your liking. This kind of card can be sent like this, no need for an envelope.

2. In a napkin ring

17 Clever Ways To Reuse Cardboard Boxes.

With this trick, you will make people jealous! Create original napkin rings from an empty paper towel roll or aluminum foil. Cut the roll into a ring about 5 or 6 cm wide, and cover it with fabric. About 30 cm of fabric will be enough to cover 5 napkin rings. Use fabric glue or double-sided tape to secure the fabric inside each circle.

3. In decorative planters

17 Clever Ways To Reuse Cardboard Boxes.

Here is a great idea to turn cardboard into a flowerpot. Decorate a simple cardboard box, then line it with a plastic bag with a few drainage holes. You can now put a plant in its pretty new planter.

4. In toys for the little ones

17 Clever Ways To Reuse Cardboard Boxes.

Help little ones hone their dexterity with this clever cardboard toy. Cut out shapes and paint them with bright colors. Make holes in the middle of the shapes. Then, on a base, plant small wooden sticks. They will make it easier to fit the shapes on top of each other.

5. In elegant storage

17 Clever Ways To Reuse Cardboard Boxes.

Making these storage boxes is simpler than you might think. Golden screw bolts and spray glue to glue the decorative fabric. And to make the handle, an old belt will do. Check out the trick here.

6. As a cat scratching post

17 Clever Ways To Reuse Cardboard Boxes.

Preserve your furniture and carpets from Felix's claws. Make him this personalized scratching post from corrugated cardboard. The painted edge is optional or to match your interior according to your taste. Check out the trick here.

7. Maze for kids

17 Clever Ways To Reuse Cardboard Boxes.

If you have just moved, you surely have this kind of huge boxes. Then you can make this cardboard maze that will keep kids entertained for hours. Cut a door or two from each box and join them together to create passageways. Clip it all together with sturdy plastic ties or binder clips.

8. In original coasters

17 Clever Ways To Reuse Cardboard Boxes.

To make them, you will need cardboard, decorative tape, and a pair of scissors. Bonus: you can also use it to protect floors when you need to slide furniture around to move it.

9. In tags to identify gifts

17 Clever Ways To Reuse Cardboard Boxes.

Recycle your old boxes to make labels for your gifts or to recognize your files. It's free and eco-friendly, not to mention the trendy little vintage touch.

10. As a natural weed killer

17 Clever Ways To Reuse Cardboard Boxes.

Cardboard is a strong but compostable material, which makes it a very effective natural solution for controlling weeds. To do this, simply place pieces of flat cardboard over the area to be treated for weeds, then soak them thoroughly to help them stay in place. When you're done, add mulch on top to camouflage the cardboard. It will overcome weeds, depriving them of light.

11. In disposable palette for painting

17 Clever Ways To Reuse Cardboard Boxes.

Painting is a great way to relax and put everyday problems aside. The problem is that afterwards you have to wash everything and you don't necessarily have the time. With a disposable cardboard palette, all creative projects are easier! To grip the palette well, simply drill a thumb hole. And here we go!

12. In storage for your magazines

17 Clever Ways To Reuse Cardboard Boxes.

When you finish a box of cereal, what do you do with it? You throw it in the sorting bin to be recycled, right? Did you know that you can transform it into an elegant box to store your magazines? Just cut it to size and cover it with decorative paper or fabric. There you go, your magazines are now tidy :-)

13. As party decorations

17 Clever Ways To Reuse Cardboard Boxes.

No need to buy decorations to decorate a wedding or birthday hall. Make a flower garland like this for your next event. Cut paper towel rolls and decorate them with paper napkins or fancy sticky paper. A very simple DIY where you just have to paint, fold, glue and thread everything on a thread.

14. As wall canvases

17 Clever Ways To Reuse Cardboard Boxes.

Blank canvases are expensive. But the boxes of shoes don't cost anything! Apply a coat of primer, then white paint and decorate them as you would a classic canvas. Let your taste speak!

15. In a bird feeder

17 Clever Ways To Reuse Cardboard Boxes.

This is the trick of this winter! A bird seed dispenser. Use a cardboard toilet paper roll as a base. Cover it with peanut butter, then roll everything in birdseed. Then, slip a string or ribbon through the scroll, and hang it from a tree near your window. Let the show begin ! Check out the trick here.

16. In gift bags

17 Clever Ways To Reuse Cardboard Boxes.

These gift bags were made by cutting a suitcase-shaped cardboard cereal box with handles. Paint them brown (or any other color of your choice). Add decorative elements:sequins, ribbons... Et voilà! You have created an original bag to hold your little gifts.

17. In picture frames

17 Clever Ways To Reuse Cardboard Boxes.

Why use a very expensive frame from a craft store, when you can customize it yourself? Thin cardboard, like that from a cereal box or a notepad holder is perfect for this. Just cut it to the appropriate size, then spray glue and apply the fabric of your choice.